All-Star That One Stunt Group....

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Sorry for all the errors! I'm not used to typing on my iPod this much
As the mom of bases who've been beaten to death and lost blood, sweat, tears and teeth to stunt groups I find it, at least a bit, refreshing that the flyer cared. My CPs usually get the hairy eyeball from the flyer that just took them out and an accusation that it was their fault. A simple, "I'm sorry" would be nice when you didn't squeeze your double down and your feet turned into the helicopter-blades-of-death would be nice occasionally.
Luckily, I have a very sweet flyer, and every time I get hit, either be it in the face, chest, or wherever else, which is quite frequent, she is extremely apologetic. Almost to the point where it's like, I know it was an accident, calm down. My flyer is a very nice young girl, and, provided that I don't die, or get fatally injured, I really don't care about being hit. I'm more concerned with making sure my flyer is ok, then making sure I'm ok.

Luckily, I have a very sweet flyer, and every time I get hit, either be it in the face, chest, or wherever else, which is quite frequent, she is extremely apologetic. Almost to the point where it's like, I know it was an accident, calm down. My flyer is a very nice young girl, and, provided that I don't die, or get fatally injured, I really don't care about being hit. I'm more concerned with making sure my flyer is ok, then making sure I'm ok.

My son had that this week. His flyer totally balked in coed stunts and he got nailed. As soon as he set her out she spun around and (through the glass I can assume) was sincerely begging for forgiveness. He laughed about it, said something and then spun her back around and it hit the next time. It's not always like that, just depends what flyer it is ;) either way, he (and my daughter) will sacrifice life and limb to ensure theyre between the flyer and the floor. I think I get more annoyed than they do. My daughter wasn't nearly as bothered as me when she lost the tooth...but to be fair to the flyer, the backspot is the one that took it out of her head.
I have personally never seen someone who's mental on their tumbling get mental on their stunts at the same time, but I guess it's possible. Either way, I 've never been one to have sympathy for mental blocks. I don't coach them well and I certainly don't parent them well! LMBO My opinion has always been, if you can't handle the pressure, go back down to a level where you have no pressure. It's just hard to see that happen to my baby who I LOVE to watch fly so much! Just praying at this point this is a very short lived issue and she'll get back to her normal self soon.
My son had that this week. His flyer totally balked in coed stunts and he got nailed. As soon as he set her out she spun around and (through the glass I can assume) was sincerely begging for forgiveness. He laughed about it, said something and then spun her back around and it hit the next time. It's not always like that, just depends what flyer it is ;) either way, he (and my daughter) will sacrifice life and limb to ensure theyre between the flyer and the floor. I think I get more annoyed than they do. My daughter wasn't nearly as bothered as me when she lost the tooth...but to be fair to the flyer, the backspot is the one that took it out of her head.
Definitely. I know, because i am a backspot, it really isnt all that easy. And just today, we were doing forward suspended rolls, which i hate. I mistve gotten kickednin the chest every single time. But for the safety of the flyer, i just take it, and make sure the flyer lands safe.
Then, and only then, do i evaluate myself.
thats group is usually the point flyer on our team or the back left group which our coach just water that stunt down and make them seem like there the best group in the world or they do a super water down version of the stunt which is straight up no high to high no full up
As the mom of bases who've been beaten to death and lost blood, sweat, tears and teeth to stunt groups I find it, at least a bit, refreshing that the flyer cared. My CPs usually get the hairy eyeball from the flyer that just took them out and an accusation that it was their fault. A simple, "I'm sorry" would be nice when you didn't squeeze your double down and your feet turned into the helicopter-blades-of-death would be nice occasionally.

OMG. This. I get that it's an accident. Cp's flyer used to KILL her. (This is the same one who would go get spray tans before practice, so my cp and the other bases could not catch her - my cp used to tell her "When you spray tan before practice it's like trying to catch a 100 pound bar of wet soap. STOP.")

Sooooo...anyway, this girl kicks cp in the face for the 4,000th time and broke her eye socket and her nose. My share of the ER bill and the visit to the plastic surgeon (who thank god we ended up not going through with) was $4800. This flyer's response? "Bwaaaaaaaahahaha oh my God. That's classic! Bet you'll move your face next time!" :banghead: I thought my cp was going to clothesline her. :oops:

But on the cp's group (different flyer) last year was "that group". Up until January I never saw them hit a stunt - at practice or comp. They switched everyone around and then all the groups were falling. :eek: So they put them back together and it was like magic. All of a sudden it just worked. So strange, but I swear by the end of the season they were the best group. So you never know, maybe you guys will luck up and the magic will happen for them too??? Fingers crossed.
I was in 'that stunt group' the start of this season. but our stunt groups were not created fairly
I am 5'1, my other side base is 5'0. we are the shortest bases of a fair bit. and we got the biggest and newest flyer.
This girl has a lot of protensal. but why put the biggest flyer with the smallest bases. We are very strong for our size but not compaired to girls half a foot taller then us.
It was just stupid.
They changed our flyer after first comps. but it was so annoying
I feel as if that is always my stunt group. Like last year, my base got a sprained ankle right before our first comp so the extremely small flyer (who was frontspotting because she didn't have the flexibility to fly the elite stunt ) that had never based before became my secondary base. We could barely hit a straight up stretch in late October but by February we were hitting ball up stretches, stretch to stretch tick tocks, and one and a quarter ups. We kept working at it and ended up being the best stunt group by far.
OMG. This. I get that it's an accident. Cp's flyer used to KILL her. (This is the same one who would go get spray tans before practice, so my cp and the other bases could not catch her - my cp used to tell her "When you spray tan before practice it's like trying to catch a 100 pound bar of wet soap. STOP.")

Sooooo...anyway, this girl kicks cp in the face for the 4,000th time and broke her eye socket and her nose. My share of the ER bill and the visit to the plastic surgeon (who thank god we ended up not going through with) was $4800. This flyer's response? "Bwaaaaaaaahahaha oh my God. That's classic! Bet you'll move your face next time!" :banghead: I thought my cp was going to clothesline her. :oops:
Wow! you got me beat! Mine just lost a tooth! She had the flyer that always put lotion on her legs before know...cause her skin was dry. She and the secondary started bringing Lysol wipes. When she showed up like that they scrubbed her down with Lysol wipes from the knee down.

She stopped with the lotion before practice after they did it two practices in a row. And incidentally, she also stopped bouncing off the mat in the cradle since they could catch her!
I have always beem in that group. I hate stunting to begin with, so it doesn't help. I can say it's my fault, due to the fact that I've never had one consistent positon to improve. I was the new flyer with new bases (but never fell at comp), I was the base with the flyer who was too big for me. I can tell you that they group isn't enjoying and yelling at the flyer will not help. It may take awhile to adjust, flying is probably the hardest postion mentally for a person.
My son had that this week. His flyer totally balked in coed stunts and he got nailed. As soon as he set her out she spun around and (through the glass I can assume) was sincerely begging for forgiveness. He laughed about it, said something and then spun her back around and it hit the next time. It's not always like that, just depends what flyer it is ;) either way, he (and my daughter) will sacrifice life and limb to ensure theyre between the flyer and the floor. I think I get more annoyed than they do. My daughter wasn't nearly as bothered as me when she lost the tooth...but to be fair to the flyer, the backspot is the one that took it out of her head.

I lost a tooth stunting too!
All I've got to say about this is that it's 100x more frustrating for the people who are actually in "that one stunt group" than it is for everyone else. They are usually well aware that their teammates are looking at them with that label and much of the time are putting in even more effort than everyone else to try and overcome whatever it is they are struggling with. As a coach, I have found that equal expectations are key to helping this group overcome their struggles. The second you start giving them more credit for doing less than everyone else, or watering down stunts or treating them like "that group," they start to believe that they are indeed not capable of getting to the same level as everyone else. When competition arrives it might be necessary to water something down for one performance in order to succeed, but continuing to work on the stunt at the next practice and truly expecting them to do it usually leads to it clicking at some point.

One thing that drives me crazy is when teammates act like a struggling stunt group is the result of lower skill or ability at the individual level. The athletes in this group are rarely less skilled than their teammates as individuals. Creating several groups that successfully work together is a tough job for coaches. Group dynamics is an intangible thing and a lot of the time it's hard to put your finger on why four (or three, or two...) people work so well together and another four have such a hard time. A struggling stunt group is often the result of something being off in the way they are working together, not a problem with one athlete's talent level. I hate to see kids feeling bad about themselves or thinking they aren't as good as their teammates just because their group isn't finding as much success.
All I've got to say about this is that it's 100x more frustrating for the people who are actually in "that one stunt group" than it is for everyone else. They are usually well aware that their teammates are looking at them with that label and much of the time are putting in even more effort than everyone else to try and overcome whatever it is they are struggling with. As a coach, I have found that equal expectations are key to helping this group overcome their struggles. The second you start giving them more credit for doing less than everyone else, or watering down stunts or treating them like "that group," they start to believe that they are indeed not capable of getting to the same level as everyone else. When competition arrives it might be necessary to water something down for one performance in order to succeed, but continuing to work on the stunt at the next practice and truly expecting them to do it usually leads to it clicking at some point.

One thing that drives me crazy is when teammates act like a struggling stunt group is the result of lower skill or ability at the individual level. The athletes in this group are rarely less skilled than their teammates as individuals. Creating several groups that successfully work together is a tough job for coaches. Group dynamics is an intangible thing and a lot of the time it's hard to put your finger on why four (or three, or two...) people work so well together and another four have such a hard time. A struggling stunt group is often the result of something being off in the way they are working together, not a problem with one athlete's talent level. I hate to see kids feeling bad about themselves or thinking they aren't as good as their teammates just because their group isn't finding as much success.

Shimmy this times 1,000,000!! Thank you for this :)
:( Both of my girls have "that" group this year. And they are both the flyers. So this subject is hard for me. My oldest isn't the best at flying for sure, but she tries her hardest and fights for her life to keep the stunt in the air but always manages to land back left stunt. This year she just can't hit consistently at all. I always feel like she's been given a not-so-strong set of bases and doesn't get the chance to prove she can do better. But it is what it is and I can't change it. So we'll see. She'll either get taken out or the stunt will get watered down but there doesn't seem to be any desire from the coaches to switch people around a little.

My youngest CP landed point flyer on J5 this year and had been doing great til 2 weeks ago when our boy got injured and is out for the season. Her secondary base became a back spot and she was given a new secondary base. Now she can't hit ANYTHING but it definitely seems to be her, not the bases. I had our strongest group of bases try and put her up and she was knocking them out straight to the floor. It is crazy! I have NO clue what changed in her that caused her to go from amazing to scary. But we have a showing this weekend and another girl has a broken finger so my CP's backspot is now backspotting a different group and now my daughter isn't even flying at all. :( So she went from POINT to not even flying at all. So very sad and this has devastated her. So here we are 1 week out of competition and both of my girls are "that" flyer.

I'm guessing this season isn't going to be very fun in the Gutierrez household. :(
Awe I am so sorry...that must be especially devastating to go from point to non-flyer. Did she have a growth spurt? It always seems it takes awhile for those 11,12,13 year olds to find their center again after they have that initial growth spurt...again puberty sucks.