Thank you for all of your feedback. It is much appreciated and we listen to every constructive suggestion! We have had many conversations with gyms in most states and, again, the biggest challenge for gyms to commit was simply time. There were many more gyms interested in and supportive of The Champions Cup, but those gyms did not want to commit to try outs and organizing practices during the busiest season of the year. While we try and make it easy as possible for them, it still does require at least a small amount of time and effort on each gym's behalf. Many gyms are very excited to be able to use the summer's "downtime" to start promoting and get things rolling in a much more deliberate fashion.
We are meeting next week to develop our plan for outreach and education. We will be developing a new web-site that will keep everyone informed of exactly how many states, gyms and athletes are involved so each state knows exactly where they stand in their progress.
If anyone would like to suggest a host gym for us to talk to or who may be interested, please let us know. We would love to talk to them!