Struck a nerve did we and apparently took it as a personal attack (which it wasn't) instead of an opinion on the sport (which it was) . . . but once again . . Can't be a sport without universal scoresheets, rules, regulation, and universally recognized government body. Not quite there yet
but heading in the right direction.
But as you said
everyone qualifies at a National . . . but isn't the point of having a Nationals is that there is only one Nationals that qualifies you to go to Worlds. Any other sport have
multiple national championship to qualify you to represent the nation at the World Championship? How many teams represent the US in soccer? Ice Skating? Gymnastics? Swimming? One or two in each. How many bids to Worlds were given to teams to represent the US? Hmmm . . . thoughts to ponder.
I am sure those of us that have to pay to travel across the country every year care about the added expense. Don't you think those of us on the west coast or in New England would love to have the option of driving there once every third year instead of buy across country flights for the whole family? Think that the European or New Zealand teams would love a chance to host in their home country? Or to see something of the US besides WDW? How about NYC or LA? I have been several times, exciting at first to be at WDW but at this point I would love to spend my money on going some place new. Many families do turn it into a mini-vacation because they are spending so much money to go.
SO on the topic of the thread I think that we
will have a universal scoresheets (f.y.i. USASF does not have this), rules, regulation, and government body. USASF governs the
US not the entire world of cheerleading. Never have I seen a World Championship that is sponored by the hosting nations government sport body. The nation, yes, the national federation of whatever sport, no.
We will eventually have one true Nationals and choose one or two teams from each division to represent the US at a World Championship held in Asia or South America or where ever. I am just waiting for teams out of the US to catch up; these international teams will be able to compete against the US instead of just showing up for the show. This is when it will be a sport recognized by all and it will be truly exciting.
JMO and not a personal attack.