I got this from another board years ago when my daughter started basing.
A Flyer's Thanks
Thank you to my bases for always being there
It's all because of you that people see me in the air
Thank you to my back spot- I've alot to thank you for
You've landed flat on your back- but never let me hit the floor
For all those times I smacked you- trying to twist down
For all the times I spazzed out- and couldn't get around
For all the times you yelled, "Lock out! LOCK YOUR KNEES!"
For all the times you said ok when I said, "one more time, please?"
I didn't catch your shoulders- its my job as your flyer
You said ok and didn't kill me when I said,"uh, could you catch a little higher?"
When ready to give up- "Stick it!" you would scream
And I could, because of you and the faith in our team.
For all the times you were tired- your muscles were so sore
With a sigh, you toughed it out and let me stunt some more
When trying new stunts and I was scared of what to do
You calmed me down and promised, "Relax- you know we've got you"
Bruises, pain and knuckle scrapes- my basket tosses brought
Backwards, forwards, sideways- I still knew that I'd be caught
I know it can't be easy- catching all my weight
You make it look so easy- we make our stunts look great
And even when we drop one- I know its not the end
You always catch me safely and we put it up again
So for all the times you caught me- you never let me fall
I know that backs and bases work the hardest of us all!!!
You do all the work and I get so much glory
I know it isnt fair that people don't see the full story
Just know once more I thank you- for everything you've done
Without your work and friendship cheering wouldn't be as fun
And every time someone says they're amazed by what I do
I thank you and know that it my heart
Its all because of you.