By my count, 83 paid bids and 293 at large bids should have been awarded by now. It looks like the Summit web site has 60 paid bids and 122 at large listed. Teams that were awarded a bid through Feb should have had to either accept the paid bid, put down a $1000 deposit on the at large bid, or turned down the bid by now. Based on this, it looks like all the paid bids are accounted for through the end of Feb, but only 50% of the at large bids have been ultimately accepted (including those who were originally awarded the bid and those offered a passed down bid).
Does anyone know how the passed down bids work? If a team passes on a paid bid, does it get passed down to the highest ranking at large bid recipient, or the only the highest ranking at large recipient that had put down a deposit? Are the bids from the Nov, Dec, and Jan competitions “dead” if they have not yet been accepted by someone, or can those competition companies still be going down a list of teams and offing a bid?