" The rule exists to help out small gyms, I have no problem with that but, if
gyms start to abuse the rule "because they can", I can see them taking it away eventually."
peytonnmariee You are getting defensive with me and if you look at my quote, I used the word
gyms meaning all gyms in general. I used the example of the 2, 4.2 and 5 because, that was what was called out earlier in the thread, I know nothing of your gym other than what was said in the thread. My point was, the rule exists to help out small gyms.
Is your level 2 team small or large? Again, if it is small I understand as a small gym you would need to pull athletes to create a squad of 20. If it is large, then I personally question the integrity. You would have had a sufficient number to create a team of 20, therefore, have no need for crossovers in that circumstance.
I don't know your situation, don't need know but, I can see how this rule could easily be abused to create an unfair advantage.