This is basically what I wish everyone knew.
I want to SEE what your kid can do.
Don't keep telling me about Suzie's tuck improving. Or how she's working really hard on flying and really wants that crossover spot on J3.
If she's doing it, we will notice. Trust me, we see things.
We also notice when a mom does nothing but talk about her daughter's improvements yet her performance and behavior tell us something different. Ex: Suzie is "working really hard at home" but is the "I laugh when my stunt falls" girl every time I see her.
(Yes, I know there are mental blocks and things that look like "not trying" when kids really are. That's not what I'm referring to.)
I've told people rather politely to their faces that what they SAY doesn't match what I see.
It's even better with older children (ex: seniors) because I can tell them how much I hear from them that they "want on senior 3 soooooooo badly" then physically show them the times they were late, left early, etc.
So in summary, what I see gets my attention rather than talk.