Can you post these? I would love to see where everyone stacks up.
I'm hesitant to really use this as accurate though... If team X is the best against a group of very weak teams, the scores will be higher. Sure, you can have a 95. If you take cheersport where it is 3 very strong teams, you have be looking at details and figuring out what sets apart team A from team B, and that can come down to small errors that some people don't even catch. Scores are a lot harder to come by I would assume.
Also, I understand some people think teams can compete (especially when it's their gym), but you have to be realistic. There were teams at Worlds that got 5th with layouts and tucks and there were teams that got 20th with fulls and solid routines. Sometimes people want to make it to finals, and they'll do what they need to do to be with the big dogs. But, that doesn't mean they are capable of winning.