This was my first year attending Worlds, and let me tell you, it certainly won't be my last. The entire weekend was amazing, and even though CEA didn't take home any of the golds I wanted them too, it was still truly amazing.
My highlights were:
Senior Elite, I watched them last year at BATB, the first time maddie's highlight stunt was competed, and I was never so amazing with cheerleading in my life. Even though I think everyone around me heard me scream "that did not just happen" when that stunt came down each and every one of those ladies were still amazing.
Cali Elite, I have no words for this still. The milkhouse was insane and I was right there with it. I've never screamed and jumped and clapped so hard in my life. Those ladies blew the roof of the milkhouse yesterday, they 100% deserved that globe.
Coed Elite, I sat with a ton of moms from this team, they were the nicest people I have ever met. I was also glad I had someone to go crazy with when SE and Coed Elite were on. They shared my anxiety when awaiting awards for the unlimited division, I got to meet Holden, and they helped us cheer on the Canadian teams we were there to see. I was ecstatic when people in CEA shirts sat near us and it pretty much made my life that they were coed elite moms.
F5 and Shooting Stars, two amazing teams. They took that mat with pride and excellence and even being the gigantic CEA fan that I am, they earned those top two spots and I couldn't be more glad with the sportsmanship shown from the big 3. There was clearly disappointment in this division, but I feel there was in every division, this one simply more highlighted. Of course and team is going to be unhappy not winning, but they still held their heads high and congratulated those who won the globe. Not being a huge F5 fan I was extremely amazed at their performance and the way the girls were still excited and proud even late into the night.
Bangkok doesn't even need words to describe how amazing they were. And the tie with GymTyme in that division was the most perfect cherry on top to an amazing weekend. And also to the GymTyme parents we met, they were incredibly nice and over the top when I explained to a friend who GymTyme was and used the words "only the best level six teams ever!"
Last but certainly not least, congrats to all of the Canadian team this year. We showed the World we aren't here for fun and games. Numerous Canadian teams made top ten, we had a first place finish, and a 3rd place after prelims dropping to fourth in finals. You all rocked that Worlds stage even with the little fan base we had and I couldn't be any more proud of any team that represented my home country, and I hope I can add myself to one of those amazing teams next year.