This was the most twisted series and the fact that it was real life is just incomprehensible to me. Carole by far is the most evil and I can't believe she has gotten away with everything she has done. I actually feel a little bit bad that Joe is the one in jail and not her. Crazy that the drug king was the sanest of the bunch.
I would love a spinoff of Doc Antle because that cult he runs could be a series on it's own.
I still can’t quite process it. I want to root for someone, but they’re all kind of terrible. Which sucks because I want someone to do right by these tigers, but I don’t think any one of them are equipped to do it.
People hate Carole but as far as the cats are concerned, I think she’s the least reprehensible. Her facility is accredited by GFAS and appears to be a well-organised non-profit. I don’t agree on all her policies, but I think she’s doing right by the animals who are the real losers in all this.
That said, I do think Carole probably had something to do with her husband’s death. But I think it’d be easier prove if all the accusations didn’t come from her ex-husband’s family, who claimed to be too scared to speak out about her earlier but had no problem speaking out against her on a Netflix doc. I get why they dislike her for “breaking up” their family, but also wish they’d put some of the responsibility on the ex who basically harangued a teenager into getting into his car in the middle of the night. He was no saint. Obviously he didn’t deserve to be murdered, but I thought the family’s portrayal of him as a kind, sweet family man before he met Carole was laughable. He was a grown man with a wife and kids when he seduced a teenager. He knew what he was doing.
I wanted to like Joe. But watching him poke the tiger giving birth with a stick just pissed me off. Not to mention all the scummy anti-Carole tactics that he seemed to think were charming and funny but were in fact just dangerous and stupid. And when he got all whiny about how mean Carol was after she pushed back, I was done. Don’t shoot people in effigy, steal their logo, and trash them nonstop and then be surprised when they sue you.
Doc Antle (“Men are pigs, women are sheep”) and Jeff Lowe (“My wife will give birth and then she’ll get back in the gym while our hot nanny that I pick out watches our kid”) are two misogynistic scumbags. That’s it.
I just hope that maybe this doc will spread awareness about the exotics problem in the US. Wild animals aren’t pets. Too many people get an exotic for the novelty, realize too late that it’s not manageable like a Labrador, and then sell it to someone who just wants to breed it or profit off it. Frankly, I don’t think anyone in this series is TOTALLY equipped for animal rescue... some are just less awful than others. I hope maybe this doc can change that.