1. A 10-year-old with no cheering experience CAN do allstar - even if the gym tells you no (in other words...RUN, don't walk, to the next gym. Instead of waiting 3 more years and trying a different gym. My poor baby missed out on almost 4 years she could have been cheering and good lord is she paying for it now)
2. Cheerleading saved my daughter's life, I swear. I soooooo wish I'd put her in it sooner. Before cheer she was hanging with a HORRIBLE crowd, failing school, getting into trouble all the time. Now she's graduated early, has great friends, and is heading to college. Those kids she was hanging with? One dropped out, 3 are still failing, and one is in JAIL.
3. DON'T PAY FOR THE WHOLE YEAR UP FRONT. Don't. Do. It. Fortunately I didn't do this, but I know so many people who have. If heaven forbid you decide to leave you are screwed. They won't give it back - and chances are you signed something saying that they didn't have to. If you are that wealthy that you can afford it, put it all on a prepaid credit card and give THAT number to the gym. That way you've "Paid" but if you leave you can take the money off the card and it's still yours. I'm telling you I've seen people do this in May, leave in June, and they are out THOUSANDS.