That's not really a trend, but since it doesn't stop, year after year, i will be optimistic and place a wish: May all this salty, bitter, disrespectfull behaviour after "loosing" aka getting 2nd or 3rd place stop on facebook, instagram, snapchat, twitter and so on. By athletes (i don't care if you are 7 or 17), coaches, gym owners and parents. Just stop. It will not magically bring you 1st place, and it makes me side eyeing you, your team and your program (maybe not the whole gym if it's one athlete, but maybe yes if coaches are sharing the post...)
I know you worked hard and feel like you deserved to be first, but trashing first place teams, commenting their videos like "they shouldn't have won cause the routine is sloppy and boring" and tell team members from 1st place teams "that your team got robbed" will not, i repeat not, bring you better skills or the winning routine you want. So better get off to the gym or go stretching or please do anything productive with your life. Thank you.