This is going to be unpopular and believe me I am all about having good sportsmanship, but it bothers me so much when (especially at worlds) other teams run up to the champions and surround them before their name is called or before they are allowed to have their own reaction. I understand that the other teams are acting completely out of kindness, but the moment that a teams name is called announcing them as world champions, it completes everything those athletes have been working towards their whole life. Ive never won worlds, but I think that if I ever did win, the only thing I would want to see is my team mates and celebrate with my team and my coach, not be immediately hugged by a girl I've never met from the other side of the country before I could hug my own best friend. Its different when the hugs come after pictures or after the initial celebration, but I hate when the newly crowned champions aren't given the moment their entire life has been working toward. Again, I am not saying sportsmanship is a bad thing, I think there needs to be way more in cheer. However, I am just saying that there is a time and a place for everything.