Hey guys!!
Yeah, we've have only competed twice this year and have been lucky to not have our video up quite yet. We are going for a bid this weekend at Cheer America in Houston, so I'm sure you'll see us soon enough. We are really excited about our routine this year, we have changed it up quite a bit from what we normally do!! Now, it's the most difficult routine we've ever thrown, and it really doesn't have any space for breathing like we normaly do, so it's becoming pretty tough for us to hit it. It has been a year long process to condition this routine, and we have been working super super hard since ACA, so hopefully we will come out strong and put on an amazing show this weekend!!
Ja-Mez (coach of Tribe Chiefs, Renegades, and Braves)
08-09 Tribe Chiefs WORLDS SILVER!!
09-10 Tribe Chiefs 4th at WORLDS!!
10-11 Tribe Chiefs NWSU!!