Although it's been entertaining, I guess after a resurrected thread and 8 pages in less than 24 hours, it's time to clarify a few things.
Our family at no point asked for anyone to stop discussing any topic. We haven't asked to be left alone. We have simply withheld comment until we as a family made a final decision. Everyone can feel free to discuss what they want. After all, it's a free country... America... isn't it AWESOME!!! You have the freedom to discuss whatever your heart desires...
Sooooooooo... Pontificate... Assume... Gossip... Speak freely... it's a message board... isn't that what it's intended for?
Now, let me try to clear up the rumor mill...
Rumor: Gabi & Amanda are cheering for Trinity Athletics next year: True
Rumor: Gabi is being paid to cheer: False
Rumor: Gabi is going to be on a reality TV show: False
Rumor: Gabi left because she was recruited: False
Rumor: Gabi is going to Japan to film car commercials: True... Possibly... if she was asked to, only because Japan might be a fun road trip!
Rumor: Gabi was asked to leave her former program: ABSOLUTELY FALSE
Rumor: Gabi left because she wasn't point: DISGUSTINGLY FALSE
Rumor: Gabi is trying to keep this a big secret: False (she simply wasn't sure what she wanted to do until we all sat down and figured it out together as a family.)
Rumor: Gabi is moving to Georgia: partially true (she will simply be staying there temporarily to train with the cheer team and power tumbling coach, similar to MANY other gyms out there, including our former gym, that helps athletes with their living arrangements when they bring them in from out of state so that they can cheer and train with that gym).
As for the why's... that's really our business. What I will share is that we felt this was best for our family. The decision came with deep discussion and deliberation. In the end, Gabi was excited to help build a newer cheer program, especially getting to cheer with one of her good friends Angel. She was even more excited about the prospect of the instruction she will receive in tumbling from her close mentor Coach Tonya. She was ecstatic about trying Power Tumbling, especially since there are virtually no training centers for that sort of thing here in FL. She is thrilled to be training with Coach Frank.
Ahhhhhhhh... and the truth will set you free!!!
Have a blessed summer everyone!! Be safe and train hard... it will be exciting to see the growing talent that will leave it on the floor next year!!!
John Butler & Family