All-Star Trinity Part 2

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This wouldn't be a big deal if kids would lock their twitter, not have 5,000 friends on facebook, not make fan pages on facebook, stop doing promotional work for companies, etc. I cannot handle the whole "let them be kids" "stop being nosy" argument. Don't get me wrong, I think some of these kids do a great job of setting a good example, but this isn't the NFL or NBA. The parents/kids can pull the plug on how much 'publicity' these kids are getting.

I agree with this. My daughter always says that she wants to be "famous" someday, and I explain to her that being famous is great, but it also comes with a loss of your privacy and having every thing you do scrutinized and discussed. Being a rock star or a professional athlete is an awesome career, and it can make you rich, but it does have its drawbacks.
I can agree to some extent, but until kids are faced with the reality of posting their every thought to the outside world, they are never forced to deal with the consequences. As long as a kid isn't popular, they never have to realize that their every brainwave isn't necessary to share with the world or may have detrimental affects. Kids who have achieved whatever type of notoriety (either through acting, sports, etc), soon learn the lesson that maybe censoring is a bit better.
THIS! You have to think before you post certain things. If you want privacy then it is easy to have privacy. Some of the same people who complain about not giving these athletes privacy are also people who have these athletes added on twitter and facebook when they have never talked to them in their life. If you want them to have privacy then tell them to make their social networking sites PRIVATE.

Maybe she's just a child who's being a child..Let the girl live her life. She shouldn't have to worry about what people are going to think when she tweets, blogs or whatever. I don't see her or anyone else telling people not to question things. How about you guys don't get upset when your nosy questions don't get answered.

Actually people have been saying to not question things because it is no one's business. While it isn't our business, if you don't want it talked about then don't post about it. I don't think anyone is really upset that it isn't being answered, more so annoyed that they want privacy but tweet things like that.
I agree and disagree with some of you, but things like this thread shouldn't be justified imo. You shouldn't post a child's twitter update on board and talk about her.
Honestly though, if she puts it out there, most of us are going to see it and question it anyways unfortunately. I'm not disagreeing with you but I definitely see the other side.
She posted on twitter that she is cheering at Trinity. I would post a screen cap but it really isn't worth it since her twitter isn't private. No more questioning if it is true or not.
i was about to comment on that...She replied to someone who asked where she was cheering with trinity...thats a long drive...
THIS! You have to think before you post certain things. If you want privacy then it is easy to have privacy. Some of the same people who complain about not giving these athletes privacy are also people who have these athletes added on twitter and facebook when they have never talked to them in their life. If you want them to have privacy then tell them to make their social networking sites PRIVATE.

Actually people have been saying to not question things because it is no one's business. While it isn't our business, if you don't want it talked about then don't post about it. I don't think anyone is really upset that it isn't being answered, more so annoyed that they want privacy but tweet things like that.

I have an answer..don't read the tweets aka be nosy. Be that one less person to not follow her on twitter.
I have an answer..don't read the tweets aka be nosy. Be that one less person to not follow her on twitter.

I don't follow her on twitter because there is no need to follow her on twitter. Seeing as how I am 24 I have nothing in common with her so no need to follow. Her profile isn't private though so anyone can see it.

No need to question where she is cheering anymore she isn't hiding it:

Again if you don't want people asking questions don't post it online.
I don't follow her on twitter because there is no need to follow her on twitter. Seeing as how I am 24 I have nothing in common with her so no need to follow. Her profile isn't private though so anyone can see it.

No need to question where she is cheering anymore she isn't hiding it:

Again if you don't want people asking questions don't post it online.

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