All-Star Tryout Season

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Sounds like you have made up your mind, and I wish your CP good luck in making the Sr4 team :)
We commuted and here are some things I wish I had thought of, or learned.

It really was expensive..Gas prices have fluctuated so much over the past few years, it was hard to budget. So just keep that in mind. And I have to change the oil in my car once a month. And make sure you have AAA or some sort of roadside assistance. Having car troubles far from home is a nightmare!

We had to do hotel stay overs a lot! Tumbling clinics, extra practices, show offs, etc., all meant not coming home, and sometimes missing school. So be prepared. Plus there were very few local competitions that were actually local for us. On the plus side hotel rewards programs, and Priceline's last minute deals are helpful.

We couldn't really participate in the fundraisers, because they often would cost is more $ to get to then they would make, so I would definitely look for sponsors form the get go.

Make an emergency box for your car: hair ties, brushes, socks, water, toothbrushes, clean underwear( if you unexpectedly have to stay over night), small garbage bags, flashlight, snacks, etc. Maybe even an extra pair of cheer shoes and practice clothes to keep at the gym just in case.
I think they only practice one a week with stuff added in before competitions.

She did say this was her dream gym and her senior year, so definitely a one and done situation. No clue the logistics of how they made that work, but 4 hours each way is intense.

You should really refrain from commenting on kids that aren't part of your program.
Unless you have first hand knowledge you should leave it alone. The PP could be referring to an entirely different CP.
You should really refrain from commenting on kids that aren't part of your program.
Unless you have first hand knowledge you should leave it alone. The PP could be referring to an entirely different CP.
How is this bullying @SL&AM ?
I am just advising you to not comment on kids that aren't yours or a program that you don't belong to?
That's how rumors get started.
2 hours would be my max, maybe a little over 2 if it were for say a "dream team" type situation. i cant imagine how anyone does more then that for any team, much less having the parent do it, personally i dont even know how some parents are able to make the drive period, considering most of the older generation (that i know) work 9-5 corporate jobs.
i could never figure out if a certain SE athlete who had mentioned she drove 4 hours for the team. If is was 4 hours each way or 4 hours total round trip.

4 hours each way.
Sometimes, even though one has the info, it's better off letting someone from the actual gym answer. There are a lot of times I've refrained from replying to a post because it doesn't involve my gym. I may know how other gyms operate because I have friends there or I know a situation because I've followed it on the boards (or know someone personally involved), but I don't answer because it's not my gym or I don't feel it's my business to answer.
Sometimes, even though one has the info, it's better off letting someone from the actual gym answer. There are a lot of times I've refrained from replying to a post because it doesn't involve my gym. I may know how other gyms operate because I have friends there or I know a situation because I've followed it on the boards (or know someone personally involved), but I don't answer because it's not my gym or I don't feel it's my business to answer.

Yep. As I said in another thread that actually was someone from my gym but another location, not my monkey, not my zoo.
She ended up as alomost a junior coach. She was often put in charge of leading the team conditioning at the beginning of practice, she took little ones to the bathroom at comps, helped soothe the ones with nerves, she helped spot new stunts being taught, ect.(the flyers were all under 50 lbs and my kid is 5'1" and 125lbs with 4 years experience so it was safe to let her help) She was the "ok, enough silly, lets get to work" voice on her team. She often took her stunt group to the side to run stunts while the coaches worked with another group. The coaches did look to her for leadership, and she had a lot of responsibility. She did a good job of it, but probably would have enjoyed a team her own age and maturity level better. Her stunting ability vastly exceeds her tumbling ability, so we are in the position of balancing the 2.

As the parent of an older child on a youth team, I will say that in my experience, this is normal. There are leaders that have done this on every team my kid has been on and she did it as well when she was a senior on a mini team.

Her flying skills are in line with her tumbling. Her coaches have told me she is definitely ready for a level 4 team, but the rest of her team was not ready to bump up. We are in a position that moving could be an option in the future if driving doesn't work for us. At this point we feel like we needed to give her the opportunity to be a big fish among a sea of other big fish and some even bigger fish. So if she makes a level 4 then we shall drive. Thank you for your well wishes. Parenting is so hard sometimes. Lol.

I spent a season driving my 9 year old 2 hours each way and while it was a terrible experience (completely unrelated to the commute) I would do it again if it were the best choice for Droplet. We moved after that season and now live 10 minutes from the gym and I can't say that I miss that drive but I do miss the memories we made that year. Don't let people discourage you because of her age. I didn't feel right telling my athletically mature kid she's have to wait until she was older to pursue her dreams because they (and she) mattered as much to me at 8/9 as they would at 15. I have no regrets.. It might not have turned out to be the experience we were hoping for but it set her up for this past season, which was an unforgettable one for sure. Sounds like you're doing what's right for your kid. Good for you!

Finally, while my kid is at CEA.. I know nothing about the worlds teams or people that commute for them. My child's youth teams practiced (for the most part) once a week and had a decent amount of kids commuting 1.5-2 hours but none that I know of that were on the team except under special circumstances that came from farther away.

Our worlds teams practice twice a week on our regular schedule (Sunday and Wednesday) and have extra practices added in when needed. No idea about frequency of those since my 10 year old is not even in the gym on those days.
We will not be at tryouts for the 1st time in about 8 years! CP has decided to take a break or even retire from it all together. I believe the commute had a lot to do with it. We've been commuting about 2 hours for the last 3 years. She's felt she's missed a lot on the school side and especially with friends. She's always been able to maintain good grades (usually between 3.5 or 4.0) but it was def a struggle. She missed lots of school dances, basketball/football games, birthday parties and just time to hang out with her friends because she always had practice. We generally left straight from school and she always missed 6th period on those days she had practice. School was great enough to work with us and coordinate that she missed PE as school did not let out til 3:30 and we had to be at practice by 5.

Just more food for thought as to the things that are given up. I don't believe CP regrets it, but is just looking forward to a change and being more involved with school activities and friends.

Best of luck to everyone trying out!
I am presently starting season 7 of my 2.5 hour each way commute to mega gym.
We started the spring when CP was in 4th grade for the same reasons as @LateKate3 . ( We were looking for level 5 ) Our gym at the time only had up to level 3.
I am so over it.... But CP is not! She has this year and next before she graduates. CP also has maintained great grades as well as a part time job. I have begged her to graduate early to escape 1 year of this driving torture.
It has prevented me from having any type of full time job. It actually is a full time job driving there and back 3 times a week.
My daughter would be absolutley devestated if we pulled her. So to the happy highway I go.
Add this to your points to consider... You can't take it back lol.
I've actually considered this already. Our family would be willing to move if we find that commuting just isn't reasonable. I think I'll get used to the drive and I actually look forward to the time we will share in the car together. On a happy note, it only took me 2 hours and 10 minutes and I avoided bad traffic by going a different that was pretty awesome. :)
How is this bullying @SL&AM ?
I am just advising you to not comment on kids that aren't yours or a program that you don't belong to?
That's how rumors get started.

She likes to repeat what she sees and comment on lots of things that she knows nothing about...
Sometimes, even though one has the info, it's better off letting someone from the actual gym answer. There are a lot of times I've refrained from replying to a post because it doesn't involve my gym. I may know how other gyms operate because I have friends there or I know a situation because I've followed it on the boards (or know someone personally involved), but I don't answer because it's not my gym or I don't feel it's my business to answer.

I need to take a class from you on how to say things nicely.
I'd also consider the caliber of student that your child is in any sort of long distance gym driving.


Kids who are straight A/B kids are going to be okay with (example) leaving 5th period to make it to practice 3 hours away. They're doing well. It's twice per week. They'll get the make up work/any extra help they need and get it done. They can do homework in the car with minimum support because they get what's going on.

In contrast, if you have a 4th grader who is struggling in school, has an F in Math and gets extra help in Reading, you may think twice about driving them 3.5 hours twice per week. They may not be able to do all homework independently in the car. They may actually need you to sit and do it with them, which is going to be murderous when you finally get home at 10:30 pm. Your child may also not be in a position to miss school should you need to pull them to get there on time (e.g. if you pull Suzy twice a week and it is always during her Reading help block, cheer may negatively impact school.)

All of that to say, know your kids and know what their needs are academically.
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I've actually considered this already. Our family would be willing to move if we find that commuting just isn't reasonable. I think I'll get used to the drive and I actually look forward to the time we will share in the car together. On a happy note, it only took me 2 hours and 10 minutes and I avoided bad traffic by going a different that was pretty awesome. :)

Get Waze, it's amazing and can re-route you if there is heavy traffic. I am sure if you are looking at the gym I think you might be there will be carpools. We have a carpool for our 2 hour with traffic commute. I drive maybe once every 3 weeks and it's amazing. I spend way less time in the gym then when my kid cheered closer to home. None of the kids do their homework in the car, they all usually sleep on the ride down. Ride home they are all chatty.

Probably my biggest complaint is that when there are birthday parties they are anywhere within a 3 hour radius since so many kids commute to our gym. Also like I think Cheerdad pointed out a local comp for gym will require an overnight for you all. Choreography and other camps might require an overnight until you find someone local where perhaps she can spend the night.
Get Waze, it's amazing and can re-route you if there is heavy traffic. I am sure if you are looking at the gym I think you might be there will be carpools. We have a carpool for our 2 hour with traffic commute. I drive maybe once every 3 weeks and it's amazing. I spend way less time in the gym then when my kid cheered closer to home. None of the kids do their homework in the car, they all usually sleep on the ride down. Ride home they are all chatty.

Probably my biggest complaint is that when there are birthday parties they are anywhere within a 3 hour radius since so many kids commute to our gym. Also like I think Cheerdad pointed out a local comp for gym will require an overnight for you all. Choreography and other camps might require an overnight until you find someone local where perhaps she can spend the night.
I second Waze. Especially in Dallas Traffic. Eek.

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