Jumping on this thread late, but be coachable and show that you can be coached.
New here (well, new-ish. Was on the older fierce board) But if I may...
SHIMMY x 1000.
From a coaching perspective, if two candidates are equal, THIS has always put girls over in my eyes in ANY sort of tryout situation.
Example: If one of the coaches says "Great form on your triple toe back but you need more height next time" the correct response is
"Ok. Thank you. Did you have any other suggestions?"
It is NOT:
*insert dead floor excuse here.*
*sucks teeth*
*eye rolls when you think she's not looking.*
*"omg she's so anal" when you think she can't hear you*
Cuts have been made based on a coach/assistant coach saying "I was telling her to __________ and she seriously just rolled her eyes at me. Can you believe that?" Think about it, if you're rude to people you just met during a tryout, you're probably not going to turn into Little Miss Sunshine once the season starts and for some, it's not worth taking on.
If it comes down to Snotty Girl with arabian whip whip to punch front to arabian to double and Coachable Girl with 2 whips to a single full, you'd be surprised how many people are going with the more coachable kid.
Something I have also noticed in tryouts I have attended:
You might have been on the winningest World's team at your gym. You may have been point flyer, last pass, etc. But when you walk into your college tryout (especially at your competitive programs) the girl next to you probably is, too! So please recognize that and go in humbly. Be encouraging. Be personable. Be happy with what you get. Ex: So you are going to be basing this year instead of being point like you were in Small World All Stars in Iowa. Be grateful for your opportunity to cheer in college.