Stars Vipers go to 5 nationals a year
(By nationals I mean jacket / winning type comps)
Our small senior 3
Won NCA and level 3 high point
Won Cheerpower
Won Athletics and $6000 for highest perfection score
and they are now at Summit sitting in first our of that 28 team small senior 3 division. They also have the highest percent perfection score out of all levels. Maybe we can continue and keep it up for day 2 ...
So nervous
Our large j 4
Won Cheerpower
Won Athletics
So they both lost ACA
Senior 3 was actually 1st on day 1 but bombed terribly on day 2 so that's how they lost it
But ACA was the first nationals right after Christmas/ new year break
Several of our teams did win ACA just not those 2.
But I think 4 of 5 for Nationals is good since most gyms don't even do that many nationals.