I realize all this - as I think most people that have been around the block more than once with a child in a world's division. The thing I am getting at is there are certain/times and teams where execution means very little for a raw score. First day out a hit, second day out just a bad day and little if anything changes with the raw score. You know how that is, those teams can "absorb" those errors because their raw score is so high - should it be that high if they can not execute? Well any team can absorb those errors if raw scores are not developed correctly and deductions are not applied consistently. It is just something we have to live with if we are going to participate - however I must say, like I mentioned above, this process as far as scoring inconsistency is concerned is much more blatant than it has been in the past. If EP's want to subscribe to this methodology why not just call it what it is EP choice and then teams/gyms can make their competition choices based on those assumptions.