All-Star Unfair?

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Dec 20, 2010
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Maybe I am just thinking too much into this... but

Does anyone else find it unfair that University of Louisville gets to "recruit" kids to "cheer at Louisville" and then can place age eligible kids on their Senior teams? Dont you think it hurts the sport to have this be allowed?

Isnt it funny how when the date change for eligibility change - TopGun didnt win Worlds? Now Victor wants the age date to go back to May 31st? That can give him summer born boys. Thats 25% of the pool out there.

And isnt it funny how Happy from ACE is against the EIN rule. Its because all of the ACE locations are required to use him for choreography. He can pool athletes from any location.I am not against people opening other gyms to make more money. That is fine and dandy, but it doesnt seem fair to open up other gyms to pool kids. PLUS, ACE didnt really open up other gyms. Its just a bunch of gyms able to pool resources together.

Dont you think its funny how so many of these topics (and I only touched on a few) show that gym owners and gym coaches are truely looking out for THEIR BEST interest, while they PREACH that it is for the BETTER OF THE INDUSTRY?!

Anyone else find this all fishy?

Also - Someone else already mentioned, but why was the NACCC board allowed to talk during this? The should have sat quiet instead of "leading the witnesses" Someone should have objected. Someone wise once told me "All you can do is lead the cow to water..."
Dont you think its funny how so many of these topics (and I only touched on a few) show that gym owners and gym coaches are truely looking out for THEIR BEST interest, while they PREACH that it is for the BETTER OF THE INDUSTRY?!

Anyone else find this all fishy?

I do think this happens yes but you don't want to be the one calling people out, unless you like a lynch mob?

Our sport is not perfect by any means. Do I think its fair that big gym owners/coaches kinda create the rules? NO. For example ... Some big shot gets this idea for a skill, now all of a sudden a rule is changed to make this skill legal. It might make being innovative a lot easier when you have the opportunity to sorta adjust rules. Anyone else trying to make that rule work for them would be a copy cat.

Who do you think should decide the rules and regulations of our sport?
Maybe I am just thinking too much into this... but

Does anyone else find it unfair that University of Louisville gets to "recruit" kids to "cheer at Louisville" and then can place age eligible kids on their Senior teams? Dont you think it hurts the sport to have this be allowed?

Isnt it funny how when the date change for eligibility change - TopGun didnt win Worlds? Now Victor wants the age date to go back to May 31st? That can give him summer born boys. Thats 25% of the pool out there.

And isnt it funny how Happy from ACE is against the EIN rule. Its because all of the ACE locations are required to use him for choreography. He can pool athletes from any location.I am not against people opening other gyms to make more money. That is fine and dandy, but it doesnt seem fair to open up other gyms to pool kids. PLUS, ACE didnt really open up other gyms. Its just a bunch of gyms able to pool resources together.

Dont you think its funny how so many of these topics (and I only touched on a few) show that gym owners and gym coaches are truely looking out for THEIR BEST interest, while they PREACH that it is for the BETTER OF THE INDUSTRY?!

Anyone else find this all fishy?

Also - Someone else already mentioned, but why was the NACCC board allowed to talk during this? The should have sat quiet instead of "leading the witnesses" Someone should have objected. Someone wise once told me "All you can do is lead the cow to water..."

Could you explain that further for me? I'm honestly asking bc I'm not 100 percent familiar w/that issue.
It's sad, some rules feels kinda corrupt. It hurts the sport so much more than it makes it evolve into something better.
Weighing in on part of the thread related to U of L:

1. They are not "recruited" by Louisville--they have to go through several days of intense tryouts and cuts in order to make the team.

2. They are not "placed" on Senior Teams--they also go through several days of tryouts to "earn" a spot on a Worlds Team (just a tiny bit of competition at tryouts for those spots on those teams).

3. They live there--Louisville is their home--that means by going to college and living there they get to pay full out of state tuition as well as all living expenses (rent, electricity, food, water etc)--only hurting here is in your wallet.

4. If they have one more year left of eligibility to compete on a Non International Team at Worlds and make that team--good for them--obviously they are dedicated to a very demanding sport and are able to handle the extremely hectic and demanding schedule that comes with cheering at that level, going to college at the same time, and being completely on their own for the first time.

I personally give kudos to those that can and do it all because it is certainly not easy by any stretch of the imagination!!!!
Maybe I am just thinking too much into this... but

Does anyone else find it unfair that University of Louisville gets to "recruit" kids to "cheer at Louisville" and then can place age eligible kids on their Senior teams? Dont you think it hurts the sport to have this be allowed?

Isnt it funny how when the date change for eligibility change - TopGun didnt win Worlds? Now Victor wants the age date to go back to May 31st? That can give him summer born boys. Thats 25% of the pool out there.

And isnt it funny how Happy from ACE is against the EIN rule. Its because all of the ACE locations are required to use him for choreography. He can pool athletes from any location.I am not against people opening other gyms to make more money. That is fine and dandy, but it doesnt seem fair to open up other gyms to pool kids. PLUS, ACE didnt really open up other gyms. Its just a bunch of gyms able to pool resources together.

Dont you think its funny how so many of these topics (and I only touched on a few) show that gym owners and gym coaches are truely looking out for THEIR BEST interest, while they PREACH that it is for the BETTER OF THE INDUSTRY?!

Anyone else find this all fishy?

Also - Someone else already mentioned, but why was the NACCC board allowed to talk during this? The should have sat quiet instead of "leading the witnesses" Someone should have objected. Someone wise once told me "All you can do is lead the cow to water..."

No. I do not find it unfair that GT ( You said University of Louisville, but I'm pretty sure you mean GT) has kids on their teams from the University of Louisville. If the kids didn't want to cheer at GT, they don't have too. I do not think it hurts the sport at all..why do YOU think it does?

Top Gun did win Worlds. Where were you last year? They took home 2 Golds. One in unlimited and the other in IOC.

I completely disagree these topics show that gym owner and coaches are just looking out for their best interest. Most of these owners/coaches are directly responsible for the progression the sport has made.

You sound like you have an ax to grind and find your post "fishy".
I do not think that what Louisville/Gym Tyme does is unfair at all. They are following the rules just like any other gym in the country. Any other gym can do the same thing that they do if they choose to. CA can pull from colleges in TX, Top Gun from FIU and other colleges in FL, Maryland Twisters from UMD. They are age eligible so where is the harm in that?

Top Gun won worlds this past year so I don't see your argument there.

As far as Happy and ACE, he isn't the only owner of a multilocation gym that is probably against this proposal. He has his reasons and that is really all that matters.

While it would be nice for everyone to overlook their gym and concentrate on just the industry, it is crazy to think that everyone does that. While watching the webcast there were several times things were brought up and it was said to think about the entire industry and not just your gym, but then there were other times it was said to think about YOUR situation and go from there. Gym owners and coaches vote the way they choose for reasons known to them and you have to respect their choices even if you don't agree with them.
Maybe I am just thinking too much into this... but

Does anyone else find it unfair that University of Louisville gets to "recruit" kids to "cheer at Louisville" and then can place age eligible kids on their Senior teams? Dont you think it hurts the sport to have this be allowed?"

its not like its illegal.. if they're sr. elligible & want to be on a sr team i dont see nothing wrong with it sorry!
its not like they're cheating.

i understand you want to "disscus" the issue of all these new rules but also calling people out specially if you arent from that gym & making accusations about them its best that you just dont post stuff like that youre just going to start drama that is NOT needed :)

other gyms have athletes from other colleges as well its not like its UofL only.
And isnt it funny how Happy from ACE is against the EIN rule. Its because all of the ACE locations are required to use him for choreography. He can pool athletes from any location.I am not against people opening other gyms to make more money. That is fine and dandy, but it doesnt seem fair to open up other gyms to pool kids. PLUS, ACE didnt really open up other gyms. Its just a bunch of gyms able to pool resources together.

Ok. I'll bite. Can you tell me how the EIN rule has anything to do with the ACE gyms being required to use Happy for choreography? Since Happy owns all of them, isn't that pretty silly?
Aren't some of those NACCC board members gym owners? So why wouldn't they have the right to voice their opinions?
Just in case you didn't know, small gym owners get to vote just as easily as large gym owners. So I don't see your point there. And I wouldn't be surprised if there're more small gyms than large gyms, now are there more small gyms that actually vote? I have no idea.
I feel that this is part of what Courtney was talking about in her youth 5 post.

One thing that drives me insane is the people who can honestly sit here and say oh no this doesn't happen ever, every rule or decision is for the good of our industry. That's a bunch of bologna. These people aren't saints, and you can't expect everyone to not look out for themselves when given the power to do so.
I am gonna make some guesses as to voting this year:

1. I think more people will vote this cycle than last cycle.
2. I think smaller gyms are MORE educated and involved than last cycle.
3. I think the fact that there is a public place for everyone to talk and discuss and learn is going to affect this rules cycle, and HEAVILY affect the upcoming voting cycles.
4. This is the only place to campaign for certain rules to be voted in. AKA 30 in Large. I don't know if it will pass, BUT I will say I dont think it would be as heavily talked about or discussed without a public forum.
5. I also think if you don't use this forum to discuss your opinions and viewpoints, you wont sway the public much on the webcast. This is no different than government politics. You run enough ads and talk to enough people you can sway their opinion. This is the only place to do it really.

Will be interesting to see what all does or does not pass.
One thing that drives me insane is the people who can honestly sit here and say oh no this doesn't happen ever, every rule or decision is for the good of our industry. That's a bunch of bologna. These people aren't saints, and you can't expect everyone to not look out for themselves when given the power to do so.

ouch...that kind of stung a little. :/

I do believe that at the absolute most basic foundation of absolutely everything in life, everybody has their own self-interest in mind, whether they do it consciously or not. I am not saying that Courtney is perfect, I'm sure if you ask Kelly Smith, Ben Pope or, honestly, some of her athletes they could tell you some of her faults. What is most respectable about what she said in her youth 5 post actually has nothing to do with youth 5. It is the fact that these big gyms owners with successful level 5 teams are kind of running the industry. Think about it...she IS one of those big gym owners with successful level 5 teams. She didn't leave herself out of the argument. She didn't say everyone else is doing this but her. She is just the one who has decided to stop following the crowd and is finally saying that this is industry is unfair.

I was agreeing with what P2169 was saying about how unfair the industry is. The fact that someone who is on the inside of the industry also pointed this out is the reason for my saying that "isn't this what Courtney was saying in her youth 5 post?" I'm just saying that someone with the "power" is speaking out against it...........

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