I should rephrase. I think that the uni companies shouldn't sell you unis that are not compliant.
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Again, if one wont. Another will.
For example... the uniform companies can provide warnings & disclaimers to gyms that their uniform may be 'too risque' but they will assume no liability should gyms be deducted. Then, if a gym does need new uniforms because they're being deducted - uniform company just got 2 orders out of one gym. Why would the refuse business the first time around, because they deem the uniform to not be compliant...?
I also agree with
@cheermomforever ... you cannot compare creating clothing to over serving a patron which could have
life-altering consequences... but for argument sake, lets look at your bartending example - drawing on my own personal experiences in this industry:
If one bartender cuts a guy off - he might just go and find another bartender or establishment willing to serve him (whether that's right or wrong...). In my experience, it is extremely difficult to communicate to a nightclub or bartending staff of 50+ people that "the guy wearing the baseball cap, white t-shirt and jeans is cut off for the night". AND - it is even harder to judge how much someone has had to drink, especially if he/she is not showing obvious signs of intoxication & you personally didn't serve his first 5/6/7 drinks.
Furthermore - if the patron is not being unruly, it would cause a bigger problem to forcefully remove him from the establishment.
At the end of the day, what makes sense on paper or in a 'textbook' is often far from what actually works or makes sense in practice.