All-Star Usa Cheer New Music Rules..

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Kind of off topic but does anyone know why tons of "newer" members keep giving me "old thread" ratings?! :confused: What the heck rating is this... On new threads?!
I'm sure most of OWE's negative ratings are the old thread clocks lol since she bumps so many old threads.
I've not seen these, but I have been getting shimmies on posts from 2012, so someone is reading way back into the boards!
@Official OWECheer is this you lol you bump and give shimmies in old threads.
They will be competeing at a US event so they will have to abide by the same rules as the US teams.

It's like when you are from Europe where the drinking age is 18 and your 20 year old self comes to the US and you can't drink here. You have to follow the rules of the governing body that is in control.
Really? 18 year olds abide by the "don't drink until you are 21 rule here in the US?" LoL?!?! - I made a funny....
And yes- I believe it's just like this
I'm sure most of OWE's negative ratings are the old thread clocks lol since she bumps so many old threads.

@Official OWECheer is this you lol you bump and give shimmies in old threads.
LOL! Some of you posted wildly hilarious things years back, and I really have to resist the temptation but sometimes I give in!
Here's my whole thing on this, I feel like it's tacky and unprofessional for USASF to bring this up on us last minute, but hey, that's just me.

I don't know why they have to wait so long to give out more information and what's allowed and what's not allowed. I think that since we are giving them thousands of dollars each season, we should get more respect than this and get the answers we deserve and not have to speculate, and then possibly start conspiracy theory's as to why they're getting sued. We deserve to know immediately. Not be told a "beat around the bush and vague" answers. Which is what's happening by most varsity reps in many facebook groups I'm in.

The dance industry (that I am heavily involved in) (studio wise) do not have this problem because each studio owner is required to pay all three licensure companies. (ACAP, BMI, etc) Also, the dance competitions are independently owned. They aren't bought by major brands like Varsity, or any other business that may be around that buys companies and become "sanctioned events" each competition also has music licensure from those three companies, and as a part of their laws, you CANNOT charge for events under certain music licenses. (Hence as to why most dance competitions are free, unless they're being filmed for the Dance Moms show, which is why on Dance Moms and Bring It you hear cover songs and not the original music pieces that were actually being played at that comp)

So to basically break it down, (in my opinion, and from past experiences) I FEEL like Varsity is truly getting sued for a more serious issue than just the legality of Cheer music.

EDIT: The dance studio world, also does not have an official government body like USASF trying to "legitimize" Dance as it is already considered an art form. So there for, there aren't live stream videos that you have to pay for to watch, etc. The majority of Dance Studios that are around, especially the professional training ones, want nothing to do with USASF, or have even heard of the program.
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I was surprised to find out the music wasn't licensed and cheer has gotten away with it for so long. Most organizations have licensing fees to use music and as long as they're not profiting from the music it's acceptable. I wonder if it might go in that direction. I agree with a PP, I've bought music on iTunes because we heard it at a comp and never heard it before. Right now, so much about cheer is rouge!

Interesting note, CSS Great Whites music was 100% compliant with the new rule and custom. Supposedly they're the first team to compete with compliant music. It can be done and sound good. The question remains how affordable is it for smaller and non-profit gyms.

Maybe some music mixers could set aside a percentage of their time for "giving back" to special cases like non-profits and small gyms (sort of like a cheer music bursery). Many businesses include social responsibility in their business mandate to give back to their community.
We got our completely custom mix today... It sounds awesome.. I think schools will all sound different and that is a major positive. I'm really thrilled with how it came out. I have attached Cheersounds

I like it, we are also thinking of using CheerSounds.
I wonder if that is because they are going to be on the ABC Family/Freeform/Spark/Canada show?

Yes and no.
Apparently Patrick wanted to do a couple mixes like this this season, I guess just to test it out, knowing it would be inevitable. However according to Ali, the costs associated with licensing a mix, even with 5 or 6 songs, for the TV show, were crazy.
Yes and no.
Apparently Patrick wanted to do a couple mixes like this this season, I guess just to test it out, knowing it would be inevitable. However according to Ali, the costs associated with licensing a mix, even with 5 or 6 songs, for the TV show, were crazy.

I can't imagine. If you notice tons of shows have moved away from anything even "sounding like" popular music... Or dubbing over what is. We had high school nation come out to our school a few weeks ago and you tube artists were performing and a DJ was out playing in between sets... Kids were requesting songs for the DJ to play and the DJ was stating that they were not authorized to play certain songs due to licensing. Who knows how deep music rules go... This event is non profit... It's promotional.
Again, this is why we had a custom mix made and will have our V Roc music... And not have to worry about it.
In my mind, I know many try to analyze the industry or try to find a motive behind a change but Just because something has been done a way for a really long time doesn't mean it's right. I mean, there was a long period of time where "The Thong Song" was #1 on the hott 100... I think I can speak for my generation and say... That was a NO. We knew it was just wrong, but it happened... We have since moved on.
You WILL have options, friends! Fully custom is just one way to go! There will be plenty of producers who will be able to offer lots of different price points and levels of customization mixed with quality royalty free music.

I can also say there are a lot of "opinions" on here that are misleading you in very big ways... As always with this board, about 95% of it is people speculating, and doing so falsely.

Much is being done behind the scenes right now to ensure the successful future of cheerleading music. It's going to change, but change isn't always a bad thing! I am personally excited to see this change.

Hang tight, more information will be available soon, hopefully soon after the Summit! The powers that be are hard at work and the cloudiness of the situation will hopefully clear up ASAP!

Be well, don't stress, and spread some love <3
CSS Great Whites music was 100% compliant with the new rule and custom. Supposedly they're the first team to compete with compliant music. It can be done and sound good. The question remains how affordable is it for smaller and non-profit gyms.

I think every team that competed at the champions league for two years were required to have copyright free music because it was played in theaters. I think all of those teams would have been the first. I remember shooting stars when they had the jersey boys routine had that music that didn't fit the routine at all.
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We got our completely custom mix today... It sounds awesome.. I think schools will all sound different and that is a major positive. I'm really thrilled with how it came out. I have attached Cheersounds

This sounds amazing!

I didn't know that it was pronounced TOO-LEH-REE, and not TOO-LAIR.

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