They only started to care because several cheer producers got sued, not because any producer made it their mission to make people aware. Heck, all cover versions do is cut out the original artists who made the song famous and replace them with an imitation so they don't have to pay.
In the last two seasons cheerleaders have bought over $250,000 worth of original songs from iTunes so they could buy cheer mixes from Cheerleading is a great source of marketing for the music labels, it's just that they've never known that because there was no way to show them. Instead producers just used their music with no compensation. This is why the labels don't care about cheerleading.
Legitmix ensures the customer owns the original songs sampled in the mix before they can buy the cheer. If they don't then an iTunes link is provided so they can purchase them. Once the original songs are verified they are used to recreate the remix on your computer. This process complies with copyright thanks to fair-use, which gives you the right to remix music you own. It also ensures the original artists get credit for their work, and showcases how valuable cheerleading can be to the music labels. Over time this will help to build up relationships between the industries that will be beneficial to both sides. It also allows cheerleaders to use popular music for their cheers, and for the best producers to thrive and sell their work to more teams without worrying about getting sued and losing their business.