Since varsity=USASF=Cheersport=All Star Challenge=Worlds, yeah... they are for profit.. just not paying taxes, evidently.
And when Varsity gets to pull the strings (Uniform change decisions, anyone?) and bully members/competitors, smells like collusion and corruption to me.
Didn't see the cheerupdates thing on twitter but you can organize as a non-profit corporation but that doesn't mean you're tax exempt. Tax exempt means that you filed for 504C3 status. Basically tax exempt gives you the ability to not pay for sales tax on things and allow people to use donations to you as a tax write off.
All non-profit means is that it doesn't distribute profits to shareholders or owners, instead all the money it makes is reinvested into itself. For most non-profits there is a board of directors established but no one actually owns the business.
This is from their website
The USASF in a nonprofit corporation founded in 2003, goverened by a Board of Directors, and managed by 12 Standing Committees. Hundereds of all star community volunteers routinely provide the organization's member Services
But I didn't see where they claim tax exempt status. There's a difference.
they are filed under Tenn as non-profit - they're cert in on their website and I pulled this from the Sec of State - again tax exempt and non-profit are not one and the same - they usually go hand in hand but not needed