USASF vs ICU Worlds ?

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Cheer Parent
Dec 14, 2009
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Maybe this has been discussed before but I don’t know…I noticed that the “International Cheer Union” or “ICU” has about 80 plus countries that are members and they are holding their “Worlds” at WDW the same weekend as the USASF Worlds. Is this the one and same competition or different venues there or? Also noticed that ICU seems to have ties to IASF and USASF…what gives? Is ICU just another governing body? If a country wins an ICU “Worlds” event, does that make them a TRUE world’s champion? Is then a win at USASF worlds NOT a true world champ, making it just another national event win in disguise?
From what i understand -- ICU is more like an olympic type event. where you have 1 country against other coutries. There is only 1 "team usa" for all-girl, coed, and in dance. I beleive this is so they can work on establishing the sport of cheerleading as a sport and getting in on the radar map for making it an olympic type event in the far future.
Worlds while quite a few of the teams do both events that weekend, Worlds obviously is not country vs country but more like gyms from the US and other countries competing against each other.

make sense?
It is the start to eventually make us an olympic sport. It is gonna be 20 to 30 years.
I can see it now....."Level5Grandma"
It's okay everyone, pole dancing has potential to be in the Olympics. It's definitely MY favorite sport!
CheerDadDeluxe said:
Maybe this has been discussed before but I don’t know…I noticed that the “International Cheer Union” or “ICU” has about 80 plus countries that are members and they are holding their “Worlds” at WDW the same weekend as the USASF Worlds. Is this the one and same competition or different venues there or? Also noticed that ICU seems to have ties to IASF and USASF…what gives? Is ICU just another governing body? If a country wins an ICU “Worlds” event, does that make them a TRUE world’s champion? Is then a win at USASF worlds NOT a true world champ, making it just another national event win in disguise?

Worlds is basically the World Gym Championships. Whereas the ICU (ideally) combines the best talent from across the country to create (up to) 4 national teams that go against the rest of the World. (Though the selection process differs from country to country.)

As for the USASF vs ICU - You'd think the ICU would take the reigns since they're the International governing body. But because the sport is still in its infancy, the world still looks to the USASF for guidance. Though we could see a shift in power at some point... And both organisations are closely linked. (I think. :lol:) So it's unlikely that they'll go to war over it. (I hope.)