as the 2013 Cheerleading world championship approaches... Coaches are preparing their teams to put on there BEST performance ever! as a company executive and judge i have sat and watch numerous teams that are very talented get scored poorly because of the bid in which they receive to get to worlds! i feel that its my responsibility as a business exec and judge... that we fix the problems in cheerleading to make this sport a even playing field for every athlete.
Example: last year at 2012 world championship.. there were many teams that went on and
"AT-large" bid...and had great talent, skill and HIT! their routine flawlessly. but only to find out there scores did not reflect there performance. as team with a FULL PAID. meaning.. on the panel there were teams that competed with tons of mistakes, but yet still would out score a team who, went on and at large bid!!!
i feel that "USASF" should come on with a solution that does not separated, the scoring of at-large and full paid team.
EXAMPLE: as a a judge i feel that.. a full paid team should have to competed early on in the competition so that the scoring stays consisted. if you take the team to look at the divisions from last year, he scoring from at at-large to full paid team was increased by 20 to 30 points! and during normal competition the GAP is never, that huge! i.e... NCA OR UCA..