Newest video is complete! It includes clips of your favorite teal highlights, as well as the highlights from the 11-12 routine which many of you may not have seen yet.
I would like just like to say one thing here... When I got the request to make Teal's video, I was more than happy to do it, but I didn't really know that much about Teal or Charlotte. I remembered watching them a few times, I definitely heard of them many times, but I didn't really know who they were. During the process of making this video I became a HUGE Charlotte Fan. They are extremely talented, and have some of the best pyramids and stunts I have ever seen. All I have to say is Cheer Extreme is not the only stunting queens in North Carolina! What is in the water over there? :) I can't wait to watch them the rest of the season... I am confident they will do fantastic. I hope you enjoy the video!