Don't make me not like you again with the overuse of heavy capslock, bad grammar, and IMO a misuse of certain words (you say complain, where I would use 'express interest in' etc). That purple troll can only handle so much :rolleyes: <-As can this purple face.
Have we 'expressed interest' in having more cheer programming and a 'cheer' channel? Of course. But we want it on our terms. We're eager, but we're cautious. We want to guarantee a fair, reasonable, realistic portrayal of cheer, and when you see the words 'Casting' and 'Reality' together, there's a current of nerves because then it doesn't become about 'US', it becomes about what 'SELLS'. And you CAN say all you want, but ENTERTAINMENT IS A BUSINESS. You can promise me the sky is blue, but when it comes down to it you can NOT guarantee anything in that industry. We have quite a few adults on here who will be the FIRST to look passed the words 'cheer show' and 'casting' and notice a lack of specific information: the whos, wheres, whens, whys etc. as well as spot the 'big bold personalities' and 'cockiness and arrogance' and IMMEDIATELY become skeptical. Not only is the first bit part of some of their jobs as parents, both parts are part of their jobs as business owners/workers. It's like trying to hire someone for an important position and not having a resume to check references. The internet makes it very easy to fake anything. They very thing you're attacking us for being cautious about is the reason you're allowed to be anonymous on here (and not be held accountable for SOME of the things you say).
I'm also 'in' the business (show business-ugh, I hate saying it like that :confused:). A lot of the things he posted in that initial 'casting' swipe are things I typically AVOID in casting notices (granted, I avoid all the reality casting calls: Biggest Loser, RHOwherever, Cash Cab,etc). In school, we were ALWAYS told to be cautious for scams, and the importance of doing your homework and checking people's info/locations. Anything shrouded in secrecy in this sort of nature was HIGHLY warned against. I get they don't want a thousand people, but they might not get NEARLY the turnout they're hoping for with the amount of secrecy presented. I understand that some things might be under contract, but if I were a parent I'd be thinking more than twice about sending my kid along for this because it raises more than 10 of my red flags. I've seen people get scammed in this industry and it's NOT pretty.
SO, how do I wrap this? You, @
thesquadshow might be doing something to benefit us. That's excellent. Prove it in your work, not in your words. We may be blunt, but we've been burned by enough shows portraying cheer in a different light than we were hoping for not to get our hopes up. We're a skeptical bunch. Reality shows about cheer (particularly recent ones) tend to amp up the drama and play down the skills. You have a LOT of business owners/smart cheer people/parents on here who are cautious, protective, and more than ready to drop you if you try to swing something. All we want is as much of the truth as you're able to give, and as much transparency as you're able to show. And next time, maybe word the notice better ;)