No. Not at all. And you're kind of missing the point of what I was saying. World Cup does things a certain way - as does CEA. As does every team in this division. They're getting a new dance probably because it scored low. And those girls KNOW how to work. They are still contending at the top of their division.
NCA came down to who hit the best routine.
Ask F5, they know all about having the highest raw score and losing because of EXECUTION. In my opinion, World Cup has never had the most complicated skills in their division. They are well executed, amazing performers, and hit their skills - and ultimately, they are scoring in the high range of EVERYTHING. They had a bad weekend, and not necessarily as consistent of a season as they had last year, which is channeling these rumors. If they hit a flawless routine I really don't see them only placing "5 out of 6"
I just really don't see them moving them THIS late in the season.
When have they ever backed down because there are teams just as strong as them? Exactly.
BlueCat said, you can't underestimate them.