My favorite is Cheer Extreme and Senior Elite. But not from the first. We had a small, very small part in making CEA go from a group of 5o kids at Forbush High School in 1997 into a team that won NCA multiple times and Worlds twice by 2012. The Smith women deserve all the credit. In fact, my friend CSP looked at the kids from Mt. Airy and choose a young girl with a custom made uniform with a big gold star on her chest to come the CE at that competition, and it was not my child. What were All Stars? We went to Lewisville/Clemmons to Pro Spirit Dazzlers and worked hard to win anywhere but especially CheerSport. We did with the help of Mr. Brubaker in 1999. I remember when first there in HotLanta there were 90 teams and we thought Georgia Allstars was the alpha and the omega, and we were right.
However, the top gym was and I think still arguably is Cheer Athletics. They were the model. They plowed through NCA like a 4020 John Deere in the sandy bottom year after year in every division. To win meant to beat CA, and it still does. Amazing gym and staff. Their kids and parents wore the royal blue bedazzled warm ups and belted out the "Cheer----Athletics" with their signature hand claw chant with more than pride, it was confidence bordering on the arrogance of success. And it was and is deserved. But you always noticed Sting Rays were always right there and in most every division. I suspect they are close in NCA wins and Worlds wins. Locally, we competed against GAC, Charlotte and Champion at Dazzlers and got our brains beat out in every gym from Raleigh to Atlanta. Every time. So we moved to K-Vegas, for the same reason everyone else in cheer in central NC moved to K-Vegas. For a chance to win, not only at Dorton and the World Congress Center, but to win at DALLAS and then the Milk House.
And then came large all girl in youth, junior and Senior . And squarely at the top were the Stars. And they were good, they were confident and they did not mind letting you know that they were the best. They were their coach. And they made us work, for no other reason than respect. And it took years but the staff and kids earned it by improving, believing and competing. And it was good, for everyone. It made the kids better, more confident and successful. And it improved cheer. And it became Senior Elite, and the pride, and tradition, and well, the heart. But that exists everywhere and in every gym, no one owns the rights. And after it all, we realized it was fun, it gave our kids a chance to grow, to become confident, to compete, to learn to win and lose not by yourselves but with your team, and your gym and the parents. And we met so many nice, caring people from everywhere. And we knew it was a foundation, a stepping stone for what comes after. A crucible of hope sweat, tears, effort that prepared you for the big competition of life. And we look back with some nostalgia but not wanting to return. A page turned but appreciated.