All-Star What Got You Into Doing Cheerleading?

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when I was really little, I used to do things like hang on the shower curtain rod, and jump off the washing machine. My mom put me in Stars Extreme gymnastics in Bakersfield (now American). I remember the first time I walked in to the gym, I saw the uneven bars and was just like "wow, that looks so fun".

I took the toddler classes there for a while. I remember being pretty bored, and seeing another class practicing. (a level six class warming up). I left my little toddler class and went and started warming up with them. They moved me up a level after that.

Eventually ended up on a level 5 team in Northern California. There were a few allstar teams out of the gym, and I remember watching them was pretty cool. My coach wanted to move me up to 6, but practices were 5 days a week, and that was absolutely not possible for my family. So I switched! Its my 10th year now, and sadly my last.
I was always that kid who tried a million different sports and never liked anything. I was 13, and When leaving karate class (yes, I did karate :banghead:) Someone's car had window paint supporting their team from a recent competition.

I was interested, so I signed up for cheerleading at my summer camp where I now work. I got to fly, and I did a prep and a straight ride basket, and I thought it was the most amazing thing in the world.

I started watching 2by2's (the old CEA ones from 2009) and I was in love. I signed up for the half year team at a small gym (same one we saw painted on the car) and cheered there for a year and a half. I then switched to another small gym and cheered there for 2 years. Now I cheer for World Cup. I fell in love with cheer right away and haven't looked back since :)
I had always been kind of interested in cheerleading and finally got my mom to let me cheer at my elementary school in the 5th grade. I caught on very quickly. I moved on to cheer in middle school and make captain, and make varsity when I transitioned to high school. My high school squad requires you take a weekly tumbling class, and I tumbled at a cheer gym not far from my house. I must've been doing something right, because one of the coaches (who was also my tumbling coach) approached me about cheering with them. And here I am now! :D
When I was little I always looked through my older brothers middle school yearbook (Im four years younger than him) and thought "I want to be a cheerleader when I'm older" but I thougt I never would be because I wasn't pretty enough or super popular (don't judge me...I was in like 3rd grade). Sooo anyways, fifth grade comes around and a flyer was sent home about Jr. Indians, the youth team for 6-8th graders in the area and my sister begged my mom to sign her up for the following year. She asked if I wanted to do it but I said no because I was into horse back riding at the time. For some reason, my mom ended up signing me up too, and I'm so glad she did.
When I was 6, my sister's friend cheered and wanted me to learn a bhs. She taught me on the grass in my yard. I got it a week later. After I got it, I wanted to cheer SOOO bad. I cheered on level 2 my first year, level 4 my second year, then I moved gyms and their highest level was 3. I cheered there for 2 years, now I cheer at Planet Cheer in Maine, and I love it! This season is my 5th season there. I am currently on 2 level 5 teams! :)
My mom had me in mommy and me classes when I was really little, and I guess the people saw some type of talent in me as I got better and I started doing gymnastics 'team' when I was 4. I always saw the cheer teams practiceing and I would always ask my gymnastics coach when I was going to get thrown... At the time I was also in soccer, girlscouts, and softball and my mom told me I had to chose one and I actually told her soccer (the next day my coach called and asked me not to come to anymore games... Apperently you can't pick flowers and Chase butterflies... Who knew) so my mom put me on one of the smaller gums in my area to see if I liked it. I started out level two and fell in love. I was a flyer (considering I was 5 and everyone else was older..) and then after my first season my gym closed down and I cheered for a rec team for two years. Then I went to sharks and made youth advanced (Mako) and I've been there ever since:) I'm only doing high school right now, but I'm an alternate incase anyone gets hurt. I wouldn't trade premier for anything.
The girls on our team came up to me and said "Come cheer... You can touch our butts and hang out with us all the time".... Funny how things work out.


story sounds very fimiliar:rolleyes:
I started out in Dance (abby lee miller's!) and one of my good friends from school danced too, she got me to try out for our midget (rec) football cheerleaders in 2nd grade and I made it. I tried out the second year and didn't but I somewhat enjoyed the first year, it peaked my interest..... fastforward to 6th grade, I was still dancing, and my same friend decided to quit dance (I don't know who got her into cheer) and go to a local gym, West Penn Allstars (now closed), she was there almost a year and finally got me to come to practice and then join too. I cheered there two years (on Starlites ;) and shooting stars ;) haha, and I thought WC stole the names from WPA... :rolleyes:) THen after my first year, my friend left to go to FCA, begged me to go with her, but my mom wouldn't drive that far. For a year, I still stayed there, then mom gave in because FCA was getting amazing and quick, and WPA was dwindling. I went to watch her tumble class, and beggged my mother to let me switch. And I did, loved it, best decision of my life. The drive seemed to get shorter the longer I cheered there. I was on the first Rubies team, and on it until I graduated, then I did the open team, Onyx the first year they had it.

Now, WHY did I not go there and discover amazing allstar cheer sooner?!
I owe it alllll to my friend! Where would I be without her? Def. not on fierceboards.
This is really corny, buuuttt, when I saw Bring it On is when I fell in love with cheerleading. I would watch the competition at the end over and over and over. Then I tried out in eigth grade and been cheering since!
i started out as a pop warner cheerleader then when i reached jr pee wees (the level you compete at) we went to the gym i cheer at now to practice and i saw a team practicing and i wanted to do it. When pop warner ended that year i did the mid season team and fell in love and the next year tried out for a full year team and made a youth 2 and never went back to pop warner and now im on a senior 5.
best decision i ever made. i think if i stayed on pop warner i wouldn't even have a back hand spring..
a friend of mine coached a "team" and asked me to join and i was reluctant to at first because i said to my self "ewww cheerleading" and once i got an ounce of it i never looked back!

but i do miss dancing ALOT....
I started out as a cross country and track runner and one year I just felt like my heart wasn't in it anymore. Sure I was really old but I didn't feel like I needed to be there. Or that "what will undo without it?" wasn't there. I ha always wanted to do gymnastics but where I was from ideal like there wasn't a lot of stuff like that accessible. So I joined a team was really good. The cheer team at my high school had just started to get boys to join and they were all the joys on the gymnastics team with me. So I decided I would try out the following season. Then I transferred schools. Didn't do gymnastics after that, but I did try out Fo the winter/ competition cheer team. Did that into college. Then I found my all- star gym, the board.... The rest- well I'm sure you all know.
I use to do gymnastics and right next to the gymnastics gym was a cheer gym. My mom signed me up for some tumbling classes to help with gymnastics, and I saw a team practicing every time I went to my tumbling class, and I thought it looked really cool, so I quit gymnastics, and I was put on a j5 team. This year, I switched gyms, and now I am on a sr. 5 team, and couldn't be happier! :)
I was also one of those kids that couldn't figure out what they wanted to do.I played soccer and I was the only one that knew to kick the ball into the goal...needless to say,that phase ended quickly.I was also a dancer.I danced from when I was 3 till I was 6.Looking back at old videos,I was literally the only kid that ever knew what I was doing,and actually knew the choreography.When we moved to NC,I did one last year of dance,and then my mom was done with the whole dance thing.She wanted me to be a gymnast,as she was her whole life.She took me to a place called 'Salem Gymnastics' to sign me up.As she was filling out forms,I saw a Cheer Extreme team practicing,and 6 year old me said,"No mom, I want to do that."She didn't know what kind of an addiction she'd be getting me into lol...7 years with CEA and now in my 3rd season with CSA and loving every moment of it!

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