At KU, we get a mix off all-star cheerleaders, school cheerleaders, people who did both, and of course some guys who've never cheered at all. Their enjoyment of sideline seems to vary just based on the person (though it's pretty hard to not enjoy our basketball games!).
For our hard-core all-star kids, I think they miss the rush of competing so often (we compete UCA Large Coed every year), but I think they enjoy working and hitting difficult stunts, pyramids, and baskets, at practices. And most of them with their achy knees don't mind that we don't tumble much at practice LOL.
But people are definitely correct that the game-day atmosphere varies a ton at both high schools and college, and some colleges focus more on competition than games and vice-versa, so I'd definitely recommend that prospective cheerleaders have a candid conversation with their possible college coaches, and attend a game if possible.
And on that note, a shameless plug about KU's Spirit Day on Sept. 8, which is a 1-hour clinic, lunch, optional walking tour of campus, and football game entry for only $50! (and you can buy extra football tickets for $15). Details at
Cheerleading Camps and Clinics from the KU Cheerleaders [END SHAMELESS PLUG ;]