1) large parking space for cars and bicycle (since i got quite alot of kids that come by bike), gym needs to be close to highways and public transport.
2) nice entry with a desk, space to place thropy's, walls painted in gym colors, pictures of the teams and coaches. so whoever walks in, inmediatly feels like a part of the gym.
3) several dressing rooms so coed team girls' don't have to feel uncomfortable changing in front of the boys or seniors get crazy by little ones "hyperactive behaviour". lockers where they can lock their bags. seperate showers.
4) meeting room where we can have meetings with a projection screen for presentations/video's. also to use for teams to watch their competition video or where the coach can show a video he shot during practice to point out mistakes.
5)pro shop with shoes, bows, shorts, T-shirts,.... but also equipment they can use at home like stretching bands.
6) little cafetaria where you can get good (!) coffee, soup, salats, fruit, sandwiches, meal of the day. tables and chairs to eat but also a lounge area for athletes to relax.
7) toilets!!
8) seperate lounge area for coaches where they can relax, work, take naps.
9)study room where kids can make their homework, a few computers they can use.
10) gym room where athletes can workout with also a little spa area.
11) physical therapy room: with a physical therapist who can tape if needed and help with recovery after injuries.
12)tumble room: with tumble track, airtrack, pit, equipment to help tumbling. (this is a seperate room so other kids don't get distracted with seeing others tumble; whenever my little ones work on stunts, they always get distracted seeing seniors tumble on the other side of the gym).
13) parent room: no windows but large tv screens so they can see what happends in every training room (one screen for each seperate training room).
14) at least two spring floors rooms, seperate room for every spring floor so again noone gets distracted by other teams and music. surround system for music so you hear music at equal volume no matter where on the floor you stand. (one of our locations has this problem, depending where you stand you either are not hearing anything, or you are completely deaf).
15) one smaller room with a dancefloor /dead floor
16) one special stage room: full spring floor with stage lights and large viewing area: for showcases and allows teams to practice in front of a crowd.
17) every room must be in gym colors with gymlogo on the wall/floor, water fountain in every room.
18) around the gym a running-track
19) outside a bit of grass, few trees, some benches so they can sit outside when the weather is nice.
20) all rooms have airco, heating and wifi!
:) ok maybe add a room where i can live:)
our gym will start building a new location soon, maybe i should just print this and give it to the gymowner:)