Gee, and I didn't even want to give away my best ones lol... I've dreamt of having my own program for waaaaay too long;) some of my best ideas have been used by now- fire and ice, for instance. I've always wanted to do something SUPER nerdy like calling a program Geostars, and naming the teams after geographical locations... Like all senior levels are european countries, junior le vels are asian countries, youth levels are african, and minis are south american. Then each level gets assigned a country and their uni has that country's flag... Ladies and Gentlemen, from Geostars, let's hear it for Junior Japan lol... Or science, history- Renaissance Elite, featuring Mini bards- math themes... Pythagoras stars- mini infinity, youth squared, junior cubed, senior pentagon... God, I am a nerd lol
But my ultimate favorite idea is Zodiac allstars, teams named after signs of the zodiac:)