I started rec cheerleading when I was 12.. so 2001. Started all stars right before my freshman year of high school (03) and stayed through my super senior year (07-08). I started working at competitions in 2005 and I've been part of the office staff for an EP since 2009.
My daughter has been cheering since a tiny she was five. Gymnastics since 2 and now 12 and does school cheer and two allstar squads. She would live at the gym if I let her :)
I started Cheering when I was in 5th Grade, made the best decision of my life and started all star when I was 13.. and I have been coaching for more then 10 years.. :)
Rachel was 3, when she put on her 1st cheer uniform. It was for rec football. She was 6 when she joined Ga allstars, switched to Stingrays in the 4th grade. This is her 12th and final year. We both tear up when we talk about it being over in 4 weeks. She has loved all 12 years of allstar cheerleading.