My coach, to make me work for what I want, and making me believe that I can do anything if I try hard enough, and my other coach for teaching me that good enough, is never good enough.
My mum for never giving up on me whatever I did.
This is a weird one, but my French teacher last year.... bearing in mind, I hated french at the beginning of the year, but she pushed my whole class so hard and taught us all the mentality that if in class, you can do the hardest work easily, then in an exam, with the added adrenaline, you will be perfect. This is quite easy to relate back to cheer, if you work your butt of in training, and can still do a routine full out after 3 hours of training, then on competition day, you will be at your very best. I dont think she knows how much of an effect she had on our whole class tbh.
And as a coach, (this is cheesy) but every time a kid hits that stunt or finally sticks a tumble they have been working for for agesss, their face motivates you to want to teach a million more kids :) I think its the skills that take ages to come that are the most rewarding :)