Y'know, this guy isn't hunting you down and wanting to sniff your shoes. He has contacted me on Kik before and when I chose not to respond he didn't bother me. He likes some of my shoe photos on insta but never writes anything lewd. He has complimented my feet much in the same way others have said I have nice eyes, or a great jacket. He's upfront and clear about his proclivities, he posted in the 18+ section. The dude likes feet. Some people like fried pickles. Others think my obsession with cheer is weird. We are all different and unless he's directly attacking your feet or your child's feet, what's the point in making someone feel unnatural for what they think is attractive and desirable? Adding him to have a laugh and deleting him? How old are you?!
I don't think the guy is creepy at all. Unusual? Yes. Unfamiliar to my life experience? Definitely. But dangerous? Not at all. We don't need to search for reasons to hunt people down. There are enough dangerous crackpots out there without being scared of ghosts.