All-Star Why Are You A Fan?

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Dec 10, 2010
I had this discussion with a friend tonight. With football (as with most sports with me), I'm a fan of my hometown teams, but when it comes to cheer, I was a little lost. Using AG Large Sr as an example. I am not from NJ, but I've loved WCSS since 2007-2008. That routine, the music, and just that flare of the routine set the course for my obsession. But since then and since I've learned so much more about cheer, I've learned to appreciate ALL THINGS CHEER. A good, talented team, even a "no-name" team, just makes me happy and proud to be associated with this sport. I do still love WCSS but would never give them a pass just because they are THE Shooting Stars, nor would I rip apart another team in my quest to try make them look better. I love great, error free, awesome cheerleading and want the best, most talented team to win. Even if it isn't my my team.

Do I want WCSS to win everytime? YES!
Do I think they should win because I say so? NO!
Do I think trash talking the other teams helps my cause? NO!
Am I disappointed when WCSS doesn't win? SURE!

I want everyone to hit, and may the best win!

I guess seeing so many negative tweets and posts over the last few weeks about teams who aren't your favorite, and on the flip side, giving your favorite teams a pass when they do screw up made me wonder....

Why are you a fan? And by being a fan, do you think that allows you to give them a break if their routine isn't up to par?
although i have many favorite teams from many gyms, i'm proudly to say that i am Top Gun loyal fan. the first time i knew TG when i watched their video at worlds 2006 on youtube. i didn't know why but something about them just captured my attention and i really liked it. Their creative routine, phenomenal tumbling, cool dance, awesome pyramid, i just love everything about them. I think TG isn't afraid to be different and they are proud about it. i think that's why i idolize TG so much :D
i completely don't mind if one time their routine isn't perfect. nobody is perfect and they are just human. besides, TG always found the way to the top ;)
GO JAGS!!! :cheering:
Like you, I'm a huge hometown football fan. I'm originally from Oakland so I love my Raiders (even if they aren't doing so hot). But for me, I LOVE Senior Elite! WCSS and F5 also amaze me and so do other teams but I just love Senior Elite. I love how they're a great team that also has a great mantra about them. CSP is my idol and would love to meet her one day.
Personally I've always liked ACE, by always I mean since Warriors won worlds. More then anything because they run a good program, everyone I've ever spoken with from their, parents, coaches etc have always been polite and it just seems like a great program. Plus it helps that they have a lot of talent too. Don't really care where they end up from a worlds level, just enjoy watching what they put out there.
I found a video of Senior Elite winning worlds 2010 and it made me cry hahaha. That sounds so lame but like when you watch a team hit and win and everyones so emotional it makes you think of your own team. Thats how I fell in love with them.

Edit: when I say they hit I meant prelims :p
Old school WCSS was the first all star team I saw in person and they honestly inspired my love of the sport. they could legitimately have synchronized forward rolls and dance to the cha cha slide and i will root for them regardless.

while i will choose WCSS to win no matter what, i still respect what all of the other teams in their division bring to the table. they all accomplish great things and while i'll always be rooting for stars on the inside, i also have the ability to take a step back and realize why they occasionally really shouldn't win a competition here and there. (rare as that may be :p) no really though, this past Worlds for example... did i want them to win? absolutely. but, it wasn't their day to win and i will be the first to admit that.
WCSS inspired me, as well!
My very first year of cheerleading was the 2007-08 season. Coming from gymnastics, I had no idea what the heck I was getting myself into. But, there I was in a shiny new bow on my first day of practice meeting our guest Choreographer, Dana, from World Cup. I had no idea who she was, what WC was, or why it was such a big deal to have her in our gym. As soon as I got home, I did a little you-tubing and watched WCSS's 07 worlds routine...and needless to say I was blown away. The talent and skill, the style, the sheer excitement that I never had seen outside of the Bring it On movies definitely fueled my passion for the sport! Still a Stars fan to this day and I always will be :)
I think you're more likely to give your favorite team a pass because you follow them more. Which means you typically know more about what's going on in their routine history (injuries, how practices are going, what's changed), so you have that more direct emotional connection. Or you're more well-versed in that gym's routine philosophy so you know what to expect.

Like with Panthers- it's not that CA doesn't take EVERY comp seriously, but they choose to peak at NCA and go from there. They structure their seasons virtually the same each year (in terms of teams peaking when, when you can expect to see new skills, etc). Minus the changing of gym philosophies. They don't throw their hardest stuff out first. I don't know that much about Twisters or Brandon because I don't follow them. I like them and I enjoy their routines, but I don't know all the nuances.

Also, some passes are just me being polite. When what I WANT to say while watching a video is that: the team looks like a hot mess. That 'I'm sure they will get better' means they HAVE to if they want a worlds rings, because right now they look all over the place. But I don't say that, because it's rude. Potentially true, but rude :D
Everyone sees the best in the teams they support even when they are not at their best, it's like unconditional love. I try to be as realistic as possible when watching and I know when teams are good and when they make mistakes and if someone was better that day then they deserve to win. I doesn't matter if you have the best routine on the planet, if you can't hit it when it's "show time" and someone else is better that day then they deserve to win and I don't care if they are a "Big Name" gym or not. I appreciate great routines and love to see all of the innovations that different teams bring to the floor so while I will always support my teams I appreciate what other teams can do as well. This is why Worlds is so cool, it truly is the best of the best and is so awesome to see.
When I was little the first all star routine I ever saw was a video of Fiercekatz on youtube, I then began in love with all cheer athletics teams. Still am, claws out!

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