I skipped from page 2/3 of this thread to then end of this thread to be like:
Boo. I missed Fierceboard Memorial Day and I hate myself for it.
Chicken and Waffles weird me out even though they sound delicious.
I had waffles on my flight from Tokyo to LAX and they were kinda mushy.
LA people are kinda weird.
There was something else I meant to say and forgot.
OH I REMEMBER- SO. In the airport in Naha, Japan (Okinawa prefecture- where there are a lot of US bases. Side note- did you know the reason Japan has no military is because after WWII WE- as in America, wrote their constitution and made it so they couldn't come to the aid of their allies which is now us so WAY TO THINK LONG TERM USA GOSH)...I went to my first A&W. And had Poutine. Yes- a Canadian dish at an old-timey American restaurant in JAPAN. Weirdest of weirds.