All-Star Why Do Coaches Do This?

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Cheer Parent
Mar 6, 2011
I was at a competition today and there was a Youth level 5 team on the schedule. I had never heard of the gym, so I was impressed that a small gym could field a Y5 team. Then they went. They didn't do level 5 stunts at all...they did at best level three, with straight rides up, down and in baskets, from what I can remember...there were only 2 maybe 3 kids with a full, and one had me gasping because I thought he was going to hurt himself. Everyone else had tucks...I don't remember seeing layouts. There were a few standing tucks. Anyway...I felt bad for these kids because they didn't have a strong performance and it just looked dangerous. Why wouldn't they just compete as a youth 3? I don't understand from a coaching perspective what the goal was. Am I missing something?
I was at a competition today and there was a Youth level 5 team on the schedule. I had never heard of the gym, so I was impressed that a small gym could field a Y5 team. Then they went. They didn't do level 5 stunts at all...they did at best level three, with straight rides up, down and in baskets, from what I can remember...there were only 2 maybe 3 kids with a full, and one had me gasping because I thought he was going to hurt himself. Everyone else had tucks...I don't remember seeing layouts. There were a few standing tucks. Anyway...I felt bad for these kids because they didn't have a strong performance and it just looked dangerous. Why wouldn't they just compete as a youth 3? I don't understand from a coaching perspective what the goal was. Am I missing something?
Could be they don't wanna 'lose' those one or two kids 'who have a full' so they try to make a team for them...REALLY bad idea imo.
My guess would be an opportunity for those 2 to 3 fulls (however scary) to have a chance to compete on the floor. Were they uncontested?
Sounds like those coaches wanted to make sure that those parents to the children with fulls happy and in their gym so they gave them a team where they could showcase them. Of course this is always the case, but if those were the only level 5 skills it sounds like that was what they were doing. Bad idea and dangerous if they aren't really ready for level 5 skills.
saw this at a VERY small USA competition.
a middle school team was listed as "ADVANCED" and had no competition. they had no tumbling and I believe the most difficult stunt they had was a straight up liberty.

I was disappointed because I was so excited to see them, and they were the only team in an "advanced" category.
Sometimes gyms could either be a mediocre level 3, placing in the middle of the pack at most competitions, or be the only level 5 which allows for their 1-2 "stars" to throw their full/standing tuck/etc. and win every competition unapposed. Its a win-win for them: keep the kids who have high skills at the gym and also keep the parents happy because they are "winning" so the team must be good........
cheerforeverever said:
Sometimes gyms could either be a mediocre level 3, placing in the middle of the pack at most competitions, or be the only level 5 which allows for their 1-2 "stars" to throw their full/standing tuck/etc. and win every competition unapposed. Its a win-win for them: keep the kids who have high skills at the gym and also keep the parents happy because they are "winning" so the team must be good........

Bingo. Cringe worthy stuff. But truth.
cheerfan27 said:
In the end they will loose those parents because most people want to compete not exhibition. That's not fair to the kids and it's always painful to watch.

Also truth.
I thought about doing this a few times. Then I woke up and realized that to be considered a sport you actually have to play someone :) this is the problem with event producers. They hold 17 comps a year, 3 on the same weekend. So they do not even know what teams are competing at their events. If I had it my way, teams would háve to send in a copy of their routine full out, and EPs could say "Hey, we don't have a youth 5 devision at the competition... You should compete as a youth 3 instead." or "You do not qualify to be in an advanced division, maybe you should try intermediate." or hey you have 16 out of 26 kids crossing in from level 4 or 5 teams. Why don't you compete as a level 4 or 5 instead of level 3?

WE ARE A SPORT WE NEED COMPETITION!!!!!! sorry caps button got stuck

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No here was no other youth 5, no youth 4 or 3 either! I think if I was a I would choose a level that would make my team the strongest and encourage the ones I was afraid to lose to do individuals or something.
So my guess, is that they are normally a youth 3 and they knew they were going to be the only youth 3 so they went to the ep and asked to switch to 5 so their stars could show off some since they were going to be unappossed anyway.
I think this could be very likely, especially if it was a small competition.
Well here in the Great State of TEXAS, no matter where you are, you can find a cheer gym either around the corner or not too far from you at all. I would imagine that these decisions are made to keep doors open. I have seen this in other levels as well. Thinking to myself, why doesn't this team compete lvl 3 instead of pushing 4 when they clearly aren't ready. I understand trying to keep your doors open but is it worth the risk if you negligently push a team that clearly isn't ready and it results in a serious injury. Under my book it's not worth the risk but everyone doesn't think like me! ;-D

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