All-Star Why Do Coaches Do This?

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I thought about doing this a few times. Then I woke up and realized that to be considered a sport you actually have to play someone :) this is the problem with event producers. They hold 17 comps a year, 3 on the same weekend. So they do not even know what teams are competing at their events. If I had it my way, teams would háve to send in a copy of their routine full out, and EPs could say "Hey, we don't have a youth 5 devision at the competition... You should compete as a youth 3 instead." or "You do not qualify to be in an advanced division, maybe you should try intermediate." or hey you have 16 out of 26 kids crossing in from level 4 or 5 teams. Why don't you compete as a level 4 or 5 instead of level 3?

WE ARE A SPORT WE NEED COMPETITION!!!!!! sorry caps button got stuck

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So are you saying that EP's should determine what teams should compete where and against who? Just asking for clarity's sake.
So are you saying that EP's should determine what teams should compete where and against who? Just asking for clarity's sake.

I mean if someone were to register with an EP and had no level 3 skills on their junior team, but registered junior 3 bc no one else in the area had a Jr 3 so that they wouldn't have to compete against the other Junior 2s, I think the EP should be able to say, "heck no buddy. You are a level 2 team. Duke it out with the bazillion other Junior 2s."

Wait who am I kidding, 90% of the EPs can't even run their event on time, have water in warm ups, or hold a legit informational coaches meeting. Why would I think they would get this right anyway.
Sometimes gyms could either be a mediocre level 3, placing in the middle of the pack at most competitions, or be the only level 5 which allows for their 1-2 "stars" to throw their full/standing tuck/etc. and win every competition unapposed. Its a win-win for them: keep the kids who have high skills at the gym and also keep the parents happy because they are "winning" so the team must be good........
Yeah, but it seems like even youth age kids "get" that no competition means you finish first....and last. My 11 year old gets that. You're probably right but I hate to see what those parents would think the minute they run into a Stingray, WC or CEA type Y5. That would be a rude awakening.
Could this be a team that was created to "Help Save Youth 5"?
haha back in my day every gym had a youth 5....well it was called Youth Advanced back then...but of course back then my team won Cheersport Nationals with 3 "3 and a fulls" and probably 5 or 6 running fulls. Not to mention straight up stunts were only half doubled down. Also, majority of the group was in 5th or 6th grade, with youth teams now that is just not the case. They are much younger. Times have changed. People need to realize that not every gym should compete youth 5 with 1 full.
Well here in the Great State of TEXAS, no matter where you are, you can find a cheer gym either around the corner or not too far from you at all. I would imagine that these decisions are made to keep doors open. I have seen this in other levels as well. Thinking to myself, why doesn't this team compete lvl 3 instead of pushing 4 when they clearly aren't ready. I understand trying to keep your doors open but is it worth the risk if you negligently push a team that clearly isn't ready and it results in a serious injury. Under my book it's not worth the risk but everyone doesn't think like me! ;-D

I think this is the biggest thing gym owners need help with. In business, it's about customer loyalty. Connecting with you customers and offering them a different product than the mainstream. Take Apple / Mac for example. They created their own style and didn't chase Windows. Now companies are doing everything they can to be associated with them. If gym owners would find their niche instead of fitting the mold they might retain more kids. My thought is if you want to push your kids to compete at a level 5 when they aren't ready just to TRY keep your kids from going down the road, then you risk a catastrophic injury that could close your doors for good.

Biblical principle: contentment. Be happy where you are and plan for the brighter future.

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It also puts your gym on the map if you advertise having a youth 5. When people see that there is a level 5 team, they assume the gym is more competitive. (Not always true)

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