i get the importance of summit, simply because how many kids ever reach a high calibur level 5 worlds team??. Im sure a lot do, but im sure there are plenty kids out there that dont, either because they dont care to or they cant gain the skills to be placed on one. Ive liked the idea of summit because it gives those kids their moment that comes somewhat close to attending worlds, or whatever.
but i dont get why its grown to be more important then an NCA win, which in my honest opinion if i was a lower level athlete NCA would be more of an accomplishment then summit. But i aged out of the sport WAY before summit was ever a thing, so maybe i dont see the bigger picture of it.
however i think as a kid, id be a little crushed to think that my coaches dont believe my level 3. 4, etc team couldnt do as well without adding high level athletes. They stack the team with crossovers, win all season, then because of crossover rules they take them all out and end up doing poorly, coaches/adults may not realize it, but your crushing those kids hopes and attitudes.