I am still in shock that I am a 2014 World Champion. Going into finals, we as a team just wanted to hit. Our goal was to be a better team than we were the day before. Going into awards, we were hoping our performance earned us a globe. When we realized we were top 2, I don't believe a single girl was not crying. Top 2?!? That's amazing. All of the teams on our side of the floor were huddled around us, on top of us, talking to us, holding our hands....the sportsmanship alone makes me want to burst into tears again. I personally didn't even realize we had just won worlds until a girl from Aces helped me up and hugged me and said "Congrats, you're a world champ and no team deserved it more than you!" It honestly still hasn't sunk in. Lady Jags has been an incredible experience and I am so proud to say I am a 2 year veteran of this team. I am incredibly proud of what we put on the floor all 3 times this weekend, and I couldn't ask for a better final season. Did we win everything? No. Did we hit every performance? No. But we made the most incredible memories this season and NEVER forgot to have fun. We overcame so many obstacles until the very end (we had a pretty bad injury in warm ups before our encore as well as the 10 hour turn around and warm up situation) and never let anything stop us. Another thing we are all very proud of, is that every original member of this team from the beginning of the season, ended the season on the team. No injury, sickness, or personal circumstances stopped us. We are truly sisters and will forever be a family. To me, the "good" of worlds was not winning, but hitting. No statement will ever take away from our finals performance or our win for that very reason. It was never about winning to us. Congratulations to all the other world champions, silver medalists, bronze medalists, and worlds finalists. A special congratulations to SOT A Team and F5, it was an honor to compete against such incredible competitors. Thank you to those who supported us, we are very grateful for all the kind words this weekend. It has been a truly humbling experience.