Hi, The girl that got injured tried to tape her knee and work through the pain so we could go again but after collapsing on the warm up floor again we had no choice but to use one of our coaches from our gym that our owner very wisely added to our roster as an alternate without her knowledge lol. She just came to worlds to spectate and was waiting in the front for us to go when she got the call to go to warm ups and she was going on with us the second time. She doesn't know the routine and was in jean shorts and flip flops. The girl that got hurt based in the first pyramid, was the main base for the center stunt in the elite, was in the pyramid that included many different transitions, and based that basket ( I'm originally the back spot). After we realized the hurt girl was not going to be able to return to the floor we had about 6 minutes to re work the parts she was in. The alternate learned the prep in the first pyramid, we had a tumbler that has never done the elite stunt try it a few times, me and another boy did the first part of the pyramid as 2 people instead of 3, and I stepped in to base the basket so she could back spot. we pointed at her where to go and had to talk to her because we never had the opportunity to do a full mark through for everyone involved in a change to practice in a routine. She did great and we all tried to tell her where to go next but she totally forgot about baskets after the pyramid was done until she saw us dipping and she was too late to make it to us (plus she is clumsy and tipped over when she tried to get up). Under the circumstances I think she did a great job. I couldn't even imagine not knowing I was an alternate then getting that call and taking the worlds floor during finals, I can only imagine what was going on in her head!
We are very appreciative to all the support and love we got going out the second time. It was especially heart warming to see OO5 on the front of the floor for us, they are genuinely a class act. We are thankful that we got through that second routine safely and it was just a good feeling getting off the floor and for the most part not letting it show what happened in the back because its safe to say we were all freaking out and emotional before we went on again. It was an honor to compete against such amazing teams all season the talent in the division is unreal!