Right before awards, and against our better judgement, we listened to the panicked kids on our team who said they “had already been disqualified” based on twitter. I sprinted across WWS to the scoring table to find out what was going on. They looked at me like I had 3 heads when I tried to tell them it was on twitter that a coach had successfully protested our results. Nothing about it was remotely true.
Today, I gathered enough courage to start reading through “fan’s” tweets. Oh my goodness - so much blatantly false information and outright venom about basically every successful team/program out there. My faith in humanity has taken a huge hit. I did appreciate CSP squashing the rumor as best she could.
I can’t emphasize this enough - the “main” programs - even rivals - get along surprisingly well. The coaches, owners, and athletes rarely have any issues. If they do, they are generally dealt with quickly and professionally. If you look hard enough, every program is going to have foolish athletes/parents/etc. that do something immature every now and then, but the VAST majority of the time, the teams take their wins and losses as well as you could expect.
The (seemingly) random accounts that “support” particular teams/program can be downright INSANE at times, however.