The only right way to compare all of the top Large Senior teams is to look at each individual section of a score sheet and discuss. You can say that this team is going to win, but back it up. ... and by ALL, i meant top 3.
Standing - F5 has the numbers in standing to doubles and Shooting Stars have the 7 "textbook" toe fulls with 6 standing fulls, and 6/7 hand fulls. CEA has a lot of standing tumbling but half of it ends in fulls, with their standing full section having majority standing tucks in it.
Running - Stars have the numbers in terms of passes ending with doubles due in large part to the 16 running doubles to the front of the mat then all of their specialties after jumps. F5 has the most number of specialty passes. CEA disguises their tumbling well by throwing fulls along side doubles and also having straight doubles chase specialty passes.
Sync - F5 and Stars both have large groups of tumbling with perfect sync and difficult passes.
Jumps - Spice is the exception to the top 3 with probably the best jumps in the division. F5 has a pike then triple jump back (hurdler, toe, pike). Stars have a double jump (hurdler hurdler), then the classic triple toe back. CEA has 4 jumps to back, with some timing issues in the last video i saw.
Stunts - CEA in terms of overall impact. They have the first stunt with 8 groups. F5 and Stars arent far behind at all in terms of difficulty AND have 9 groups. Then second stunt, Stars and F5 have harder team skills (3 out of 9 stunts doing something difficult doesn't mean a higher group stunt difficulty)
Pyramids - while everyone automatically thinks of cea, both F5 and Stars have stepped up their pyramids this year. They have a lot of elements that add to the overall effect and give you more of the feeling that everything is happening at the same time. So again, CEA may have the overall effect, but Stars and F5 both have a lot of elements that add up.
Tosses - While F5 does 8 of them and leads the pack with numbers, Stars give you 7 that are broken into 2 groups so you can see the amazing switch kicks. In addition, F5 also does 2 pikes and a toe touch. Stars also have a different level 5 basket in their opening with 2 hitch kick (no twist) baskets on either side. CEA has the switch kick and kick doubles in their sequence with 3 kick doubles in the opening of the routine and 2 pikes during tumbling. I'm gonna say Stars lead the pack in terms of variety with the standard level 5 basket, an elite 4 trick level 5 basket, and 2 level 4 baskets opposed to the standard level 5 baskets and level 3 baskets of the other 2.
Dance - F5 and Stars, lets just face it, these girls have been giving it to you since they were on youth teams and just plain dance better than CEA. Not putting them down, just saying, the dance isnt their forte.
Formations/Transitions - CEA should win this category since their transitions are all the same as last year. But F5 and Stars are always known for having smooth creative transitions with plenty of choreography to fill the gaps.
Routine Time - CEA has been over all year and this is the one place that it actually matters. Not sure what the timing is like with the new dance however. But if their music is the same length from previous competitions, they are definitely over 2:30.
Overall - Really whatever I say here is going to be argued with so maybe I will leave this blank.... If everyone puts the Kool-Aid down you'll see it is going to come down to the most perfectly executed routine.
As a Judge, I believe this is pretty biased.
I believe that Several of the other teams in this division can hang with, if not out-do, these "top three" teams...
-Stingray will be a team to watch out for in the top three. They might not have the tumbling, but overall execution is going to be in .9's throughout the entire scoresheet. If one of the "top three" has any deductions, be prepared to see spice move into there position. Dont count them out yet.
-FCA: did we not see them hit a clean routine and beat World Cup? They will have to be clean, but I wouldnt count them out yet.
-CEA: I haven't seen them hit a clean routine (without deductions) in the finals of worlds in a long time. They have A LOT of pressure on them. Overall, CEA has the best shot at winning the title because of their CONSISTENCY all year long. They have an overall well rounded routine, but will have to hit it perfect to take the title.
-WCSS: They are an amazing team and have the talent to win. But I fear that if something happens in the first 30 sec's of the routine, it will all go down hill (as we saw in their Rhode Island performance). We have seen very few routines from them without deductions. I hope that they can come out on the floor with confidence, and hit it clean.
-f5: They have overall the hardest difficulty. But I fear they will be hurt on execution if they dont clean up tumbling form/landings, jump landings, and really nail those stunts down perfect. If they can hit a FLAWLESS routine, they will be the top contender for the gold.
-Woodlands: Being a Texas girl, I know these kids have been in the gym cleaning this routine like crazy. I will expect to see a super clean routine from them. Overall they have TONS of difficulty, but like WCSS we haven't really seen a clean routine consistently from them. I think they will be on top of their game at Worlds and will be fighting for one of those medals.... dont count Generals out.
Overall it will come down to execution.
Judging this year I know that they have really pushed nailing that execution score to be correct.
If a team only throws majority fulls, but they are the most beautiful fulls ever.... They might be low on difficulty, but that .9-1.0 execution score will keep them even, if not higher scoring than a team with majority (so-so technique) doubles....
I really expect this division to be a nail biter and super fun to watch.
I wish EVERY team in this division the best of luck, and I hoping to see SAFE and CLEAN performances from all!