Well i think alot of midwest teams get over looked. especially the new level 5's.
Obviously I have to bias and say Allstar Rebels. First Team in IL history to get a Full Paid bid, first year as a 5, and first attempt. Believe me, i would have never of dreamed it. But my sr 5 has worked their butts off this season to prove themselves.
Heat Athletics Wisconsin- SICK SICK SICK!!!!! Not a first year 5, but a team i feel is massively over looked. I saw them in october and named them as the team to beat out here. Amazing skill level, and oh so clean! i think they will be top 10 at worlds for sure.
Ultimate Fusion Wisconsin- they have had one of the best stunting level 4 teams the last 2 years. They are another first year 5, but definitely do damage. they have had some ruff comps this season, but the skill and talent is definitely there. they have the ability to place very well at worlds.