Your Favorite Ending Of A Routine?

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Mar 14, 2011
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Do you like it better when teams end with a pyramid? Dance? (Can never forget F5's tricky but fierce ending in 2008 ;)) Dance ending with a middle stunt?

My favorite would be a pyramid.
on my j2 team this year we ended with pyramid and our coaches would always tell us it would show how strong we are to do this at the end of our routine and to show a lot of energy but then on my other team s3 because i double shirt we ended with dance and did this motion that faded out
Do you like it better when teams end with a pyramid? Dance? (Can never forget F5's tricky but fierce ending in 2008 ;)) Dance ending with a middle stunt?

My favorite would be a pyramid.

I like when they end with the dance; because even tho they are like pretty
Much majority of the time going to
Hit the pyramid there is always that chance they don't. Like some of our teams after they hit the pyramid then go to the dance it's like killer when they know they just had a perfect routine! And it makes it easier ending with a dance because I don't have to be nervous for so long! Lol
Idk I probably made no sense to y'all but if you do the pyramid and hit it then see your coach yelling or waving their arms up and down and hear everyone screaming then it seems like they work the dance that much harder!!
The more I think about this, the more I feel like it's relative to the team and their style... Kinda hard for me to picture WCSS ending in a pyramid or CEA not (even though they didn't in 09.)

Still to me I just feel like ending with a pyramid is more climactic. It adds to the excitement. It takes the whole 2:30 to know if they hit everything perfectly.
DaNcE, just cause after that long and tiring routine the judges probably wanna to see you show alot of energy and alot of movement at the end of the routine and know that your having fun with it. And it makes people less nervous to end the routine and gets you pumped.
I remember when Brandon ended with their cheer a couple years ago, 07 or 08, I can't remember, but I really liked it.
I lovee dance endings, it's more fun, energetic, and every team has a different dance.... although CE Senior Elites pyramid makes me think again. If it's done right then it can look awsome!
I like the pyramid ending that teams are doing more and more of but hands down, I would take USA Wildcats Senior Toxic Elite's new dance ending any day of the week! It's so fierce! Can't wait to see it at Worlds <3
I like it when teams end with a pyramid because it shows that after their whole routine, even when they are tired they can still pull off an amazing pyramid (CEA Senior Elite). Not many team can pull it off so it does make the ones that end with a pyramid stand out. Obviously though if your team can't pull off ending with a pyramid, stick with ending with a dance.
Mine is ending with the dance, so then even if the team messes up in the pyramid they can still have a strong finish to the routine.