If you are ready come join USA! Allstars International level 5 Most Wanted team! USA! Allstars is the only gym in Richmond, Virginia to have an international team. Remeber even if you are an older athlete USA! Allstars believes that every athlete and family counts!
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So heres wht I would love to see happen in the near future
Open 4:
A division for athletes who've aged out of Senior eligibility who do not possess advanced tumbling and stunting skill. Scored similarly to the way the L4 is across the board throughout the majority of Varsity score sheet comps...
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The Crimson White published Cheerleaders on Team USA for International Competition. This year, the international athletic competition is once again primed to take its biggest stage. After all, 2012 is an Olympic year, but cheerleading is not among the sports … Continue...
anyone know if any gyms that offer international teams near Kansas? Looking into Twist and Shout genesis, but they may or may not have the team this year. Any thoughts would be appreciated :)
I brought this up on another thread and I thought it was a good topic of conversation. I'm curious to hear other people's opinions.
Regarding the international divisions...
Why were they created? They didn't exist at the start of Worlds. If anyone knows the exact reason that the USASF created...
is nobody else concerned that by making the US adhere to a different age range than the rest of the world, they are being rather blatant with favoritism towards the rest of the world with no regard for how it affects US business?
So, after some healthy debate with my cheer mom friends on this topic, I'm curious to know the thoughts of those on the Fierceboard. I am going to say to start out, however, that I am in no way bashing this team because I am pretty certain that this was an unfortunate language...
UCA will be hosting a tweet up on Friday, March 9th at the Social Media Lounge in the Varsity Zone at 3pm. Come meet fellow cheerleaders and be sure to use the hashtag #UCAallstar all weekend long! Use this thread to post your twitter name and plan on coming. I'll see you all there!
I went to the wiki to see if there were any all star gyms with international/open teams in Lexington, KY but wasn't very successful. Does anyone know of any all star gyms in that area that have international teams? Or is Kentucky Elite the only all star gym in Lexington (and I don't think they...
Hey guys! Anyone have this mix? I competed on this team and it was one of of my favorite mixes Id ever competed to. However, I can't seem to find the mix on my computer anymore. Thanks so much!
Anyone know any pro shops which ship to countries outside of the USA?
As far as I know Cheer athletics and Cheer extreme are the only people that ship to other countries.
The same day that NCA posted this season's Level Eligibility Policy (http://nca.varsity.com/all_star_nationals.aspx), I flew to Vancouver, Canada to speak at a conference and credential coaches. Born from my discussions with them was the idea to exclude international teams from this new policy...
Who is stepping up this year?
I saw PCM...first comp jitters hopefully
Fiercekatz will no doubt be good
Gymtyme pink dominates
Cheer force envy..I hear they are coming in strong
Who else?
This really is one of my favorite routines/music/performances of all time and figured I would share.
p.s. toss stunts, eagle full ups and (my personal favorite) thigh-stand full-ups.